OLR Website
Current Topics

    Labor Updates

    2021-2026 Round of Bargaining: 97% settled (subject to numerous union ratifications)

    Learn More

New York City building along Bryant Park
Family Building Benefit

    Effective November 1, 2024, the Management Benefits Fund is providing a family building benefit for MBF members under the Superimposed Major Medical Program (SMMP).

    Visit the MBF website to learn more

Contact EAP
Contact EAP

    The NYC EAP assists City employees and their families with personal issues of many kinds.

    View EAP services

Illustration of a person watering a plant with a money bag on top of it.

    Looking for an IRA?  Look no further, you already have one here with the NYCE IRA.

    Don’t forget to have your spouse open a Spousal NYCE IRA to preserve access to all their future financial opportunities!

    Visit the NYCE IRA page for more information

City silhouette with sneakers, an apple, a stethoscope, glucose meter, and salad

Worksite Wellness

    WorkWell NYC provides:

    •  In-person and digital programs on prevention and chronic conditions, physical fitness, mental well-being, nutrition, and health equity

    •  Support for agencies to promote a culture of health