What is the NYC Rent Freeze Program?

The New York City Rent Freeze Program can freeze your rent at an affordable amount and protect you from future increases. The Rent Freeze Program includes the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and the Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE).

Under this program, a property tax abatement credit covers the difference between the actual rent amount and what you (the tenant) are responsible for paying at the frozen rate.

The longer you are in the program, the greater the benefit. If you enter the program today, renew your benefit as required, and continue to meet all eligibility requirements, the amount you pay for rent today could be the same 20 years from now.

Need help due to a disability?

If you need help accessing Department of Finance (DOF) programs and services or need more time because of a disability or physical or mental impairment, you can request additional time to file or obtain other assistance.

To request more time or other assistance, you may call 311, write to DOF, schedule a virtual appointment, or complete a Request for an Extension of Time Due to a Disability or Physical or Mental Impairment. You may need to submit medical documentation supporting your request.

If an extension of time or other request for assistance is approved, you will need to submit all renewal documents and meet all of the program's eligibility requirements.
