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The NYC ADI will enable cross agency data sharing and analysis in a more seamless way to unlock critical insights that strengthen programs and policies.
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CIDI reports the Homeless Prevention: At-Risk Students in New York City Schools report, identifying risk factors for student homelessness and highlighting the need for wide-reaching school-based homeless prevention services.
CIDI publishes the Education Outcomes of Youth in Foster Care Report, analyzing educational and foster care measures associated with high school graduation rates among foster care youth across New York City
The new NYC Community Atlas demonstrates profiles of 59 Districts and 188 Neighborhoods Tabulation Areas (NTAs). These profiles include sections on: Demographics, Cultural Connections, Health and Well-being, Economic Assets, Education, and Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice.
Read about CIDI’s vision, research priorities, and projects.
Welcome to Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence
Founded in 2011, the mission of the Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence (CIDI) is to conduct inter-agency research to identify areas of service need in the City of New York. CIDI collaborates with all Health and Human Service (HHS) agencies and other City partners to promote policy change that improves services for all New Yorkers. CIDI values the contextual interpretation of data and respects persons’ confidentiality in its research activities
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