Group Child Care (Center-based)
A group child care (center-based) program is any program providing child care to three or more children under 6 years of age. These programs operate for five or more hours per week, for more than 30 days in a 12-month period. They primarily operate in non-residential spaces.
School-based programs provide instruction for children ages 3 through 5 who are located within a school or are part of a school.
Summer camps provide child care for children younger than 16 (younger than 18 for overnight camps). They operate during the summer months in any year, primarily for the purpose of organized group activity.
School-age Child Care (After-school Programs)
A school-age child care program is a non-residential child care program for a group of seven or more school age children.
Family Day Care and Group Family Day Care (Home-based)
Family day care and group family day care programs are located in residences. They provide child care on a regular basis for more than three hours per day per child.
Informal and Legally-exempt
Informal child care providers are not regulated by the NYC Health Department.