About / Go to HHS Accelerator

HHS Accelerator to be decommissioned on July 31 and will be taken offline.

All procurement functionalities have already been transitioned to PASSPort. Please finalize all outstanding tasks and retrieve any necessary data or documents immediately.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit MOCS Help.

HHS Accelerator Login

The City of New York invests billions of dollars annually in Client and Community based Services through competitive contracts. These awards include vital human services, such as mental health counseling, workforce training, foster care, after school programs, senior centers, and shelter and housing programs.

HHS Accelerator (HHSA) was launched in 2013 to establish a centralized, digital system for human services solicitations, prequalification, document storage and financial management. Since the City launched PASSPort as the Citywide Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal in 2017, MOCS has transitioned HHS Accelerator activities to PASSPort. Today, the City publicly posts health and human services solicitations. Providers complete the HHS Prequalification Application in PASSPort and submit their proposals in PASSPort. For more information and PASSPort support, visit Learning to Use PASSPort.

While many activities have transitioned to PASSPort, HHS Accelerator still manages health and human services budgets and invoices, and HHSA continues to offer secure document storage to its users through the Document Vault. In addition, HHSA account holders may now view historical account data in read-only format.

Document Vault

The Document Vault serves as a secure, Web-based filing cabinet that allows account holders to store and transmit documents and folders containing multiple documents to City Agencies and/or other HHSA account holders. Current and new HHSA account holders can use the Document Vault function even if they do not have a contract with the City.


Providers should check the Procurement Navigator to maintain awareness of all upcoming health and human services RFPs. Organizations must have a PASSPort account and an Approved HHS PQL application in PASSPort to propose on human services solicitations in PASSPort. If your organization does not have a PASSPort Account, create an account here.