
The New York City Administration for Children’s Services protects New York City’s children from abuse and neglect.
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Working with Incarcerated Parents training.

When a student is referred for special education evaluations or when a child receives an initial recommendation for special education services, the school, Committee on Special Education or Committee on Preschool Special Education must first determine who fits the definition of "parent" so they can begin outreach efforts to contact that person. The school, CSE or CPSE may contact ACS or foster care agency staff for assitance in locating and contacting the student's incarcerated parent. Efforts to involve incarcerated parents in the special education decision-making process should begin as soon as possible.

Special Education ImageThe Guide to Working with Incarcerated Parents will help determine when to reach out an incarcerated parent and how to get in touch with a parent who is incarcerated.

The ACS Children of Incarcerated Parents Program (CHIPP) can answer questions about how to contact an incarcerated parent. CHIPP can be reached at (212) 487-8274/8577. The Children's Services Education Unit can help answer questions about special education, and can provide in-depth training.

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