1. What is the NYC Open Data portal?
The NYC Open Data portal is a website giving the public access to thousands of sets of public data from NYC agencies.
2. Why was the website developed?
The NYC Open Data portal was developed as a part of an initiative to improve the accessibility, transparency, and accountability of New York City Government. City agencies routinely produce large amounts of data intended to serve the public better. Centralizing this data gives citizens a much more efficient way to find useful information. Developers can use the machine-readable data to create web and mobile applications.
3. How frequently is the data updated?
City agencies maintain control of the data sets that fall under their purview, and update them as they deem appropriate. The metadata displays how often a data set is refreshed.
4. How do I submit site feedback?
Feedback can be submitted as a comment within a particular dataset via the "Discuss" tab, or in a direct message to the owner of a dataset via the "About" tab. Additionally, suggestions for new datasets can be submitted here.
5. What is the NYC BigApps competition?
NYC BigApps is a competition that empowers the sharpest minds to solve New York City's toughest challenges through technology, data, and collaboration. The website for the competition is http://www.nycbigapps.com/http://www.nycbigapps.com/.