
The Transit Bureau is responsible for the safety and security of the 5.6 million passengers who use the New York City subways each day. Providing police services for the busiest metropolitan rail system in the nation, members of the Transit Bureau patrol the subway's 25 lines, 472 stations, and nearly 250 miles of passenger rail line. The bureau comprises 12 transit districts, each located within or adjacent to the subway system, and overseen by three borough commands: Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Bronx/Queens. District personnel are supplemented by members of several specialized units within the Transit Bureau—including three borough Task Forces, Anti-Terrorism Unit, Citywide Vandals Task Force, Canine Unit, Special Projects Unit, and MetroCard Fraud Task Force.

Get to Know Your Neighborhood Coordination Officers

Find your transit district. Find your NCOs.

Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) are your local problem-solvers. They spend their entire tours riding on the same subway lines and visiting the same stations in their assigned sectors. Their job is to resolve ongoing crime and quality-of-life issues, and to build relationships with commuters and MTA employees.

Many of the problems encountered by straphangers are matters of public safety. NCOs work hand-in-hand with MTA workers and the people we all serve to address those concerns, one train and one subway station at a time.

Use the pull-down menu below to find your transit district, your sector, and contact information for your NCOs.

Find Your NCOs

Your Station. Your Cops.

Subway Crime Prevention Tips
Transit Information
Transit Sex Offense Awareness
Map of the New York City subway system by transit district