NYC Share Your Space Survey

The NYC Share Your Space Survey is critical to helping the City prepare for emergencies and outreach to all of the City's communities. Organizations citywide are encouraged to participate. Review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.

Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers (HERRC) – Share Your Space

If you own a space of at least 25,000 square feet close to public transportation, please fill out the survey below.

Be a Cooling Center Partner – Share Your Space

Registering community spaces is just one way you can help support communities during periods of extreme heat. We would appreciate it if you would direct others in your community to register their spaces as well. Fill out the survey below.

NYC Emergency Management – Share Your Space Survey

What is the Share Your Space Survey?

The Share Your Space Survey identifies spaces in your community that could potentially support the City's emergency operations or be used for community outreach events. This survey assists the efforts of NYC Emergency Management in preparing and coordinating emergencies on the community level.

What will the information on my community space be used for?

NYC Emergency Management will use the information provided in the Share Your Space Survey to build a database that may be used as a resource for the City. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

How will my community space be used?

NYC Emergency Management knows that using known community spaces is critical to assisting residents during emergency and non-emergency times. Providing information on a community space does not guarantee that it will be used in an emergency. However, given the ever-changing needs of emergencies, having the information already available to the City increases the ability to get a site up and running. We would also consider using these spaces for non-emergency events, such as Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training classes, awards ceremonies or National Preparedness Month events.

Who should fill out the Share Your Space Survey?

Given the details required, it is best if someone familiar with the technical details of the space completes the survey. We also require 24/7/365 points of contact and expect those identified to be the ones who could confirm NYC Emergency Management's use of the space.

What are the guidelines I should be aware of in filling out the Share Your Space Survey?

  • Fill out one sheet per community space.
  • Point-of-contact information: emergencies can happen at any time. It is critical that the points of contact, especially the designated first point of contact, be reachable at any time. Take the time to determine who is the proper point of contact (e.g., elected official office, facilities manager, community board, civic organization, etc.).
  • Occupancy capacity: provide the figure listed in your space's Certificate of Occupancy. Please review the City's Certificate of Occupancy fact sheet.
  • ADA compliance: the City requires that City-operated sites be fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Please review the ADA Standards for Accessible Design to ensure your space is up-to-date on compliance. Air conditioning is preferred, but not always required.

I don't know all the answers to fill in the survey completely. Is it okay if I provide just the information I know?

Yes. Please complete the survey form. If you are having difficulty filling out the form, please contact

How can I support my community during emergencies like extreme heat?

During heat emergencies, the City will open cooling centers throughout the five boroughs to help those seeking relief from the heat. You can register your space to be used as a cooling center by filling out the survey form.

Sharing your space is just one way you can help support communities during periods of extreme heat. We would appreciate it if you would direct others in your community to register their spaces as well. If you wish to use your space as a cooling center, NYC Emergency Management's human services team will contact you with further instructions.

I would like to support NYC Emergency Management in other ways. Beyond the Share Your Space Survey, how can I get involved in building preparedness in my community?

NYC Emergency Management is always looking to communities for supporting the agency's mission.You can find information on joining your local Community Emergency Response Team, sign up for Notify NYC, and/or request a Ready New York presentation for your organization.

We look forward to reviewing your information and expanding NYC Emergency Management's reach in your community.

* Indicates required fields. If you do not have information for non-required fields, please write "0" or "N/A."

Days of Operation*

Site Information

Is the site free and open to the public?*
Is parking available?
Is the site ADA compliant?*
Are staff members present during the site's hours of operation?*
Is there security on site?*
Can the site accommodate at least 10 visitors?*
Can the site provide space for visitors to sit while complying with physical/social distancing guidelines?
Is there an outdoor space?
Is the facility air conditioned?*
Is the facility heated?*
Does the site have available restrooms with adequate handwashing stations (i.e., soap, working faucets, and drying materials)?*
Is the site (and its high touch surfaces) cleaned and disinfected on a frequent basis?
Can the site provide personal protective equipment (e.g., face coverings and hand sanitizer) to visitors?
Can the site(s) provide drinking water (if you are operating as a New York City cooling center)?
Does the site have a kitchen?
Does the site have Internet access?
Type of Connection
Is there a phone?
Does the site have VOIP?
Does the site have an on-site generator?
Is there a generator connect point?

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