Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan

Man bicycling near a crosswalk

The Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan is a community-led planning process for an inclusive, mixed-use stretch of Atlantic Avenue and neighboring blocks in Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant.

The plan would support new housing with affordable housing, new space for jobs and services, safer, more pedestrian-friendly streets and investments in neighborhood improvements.

Read the report on community priorities and recommendations for the Atlantic Avenue area.

Read a fact sheet about the Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan.

What does mixed-use mean?

Streetscape with storefronts and people crossing a crosswalk
Example of a mixed-use block in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn

“Mixed-use” describes an area or property that allows for multiple uses, such as housing, retail, commercial, industrial, etc. Examples of “mixed-use” may be a building with ground floor shops and apartments above, or a building with light manufacturing, art studios and offices.

Why Atlantic Avenue?

Atlantic Avenue is one of Brooklyn’s most important east-west corridors, connecting Downtown Brooklyn to Queens and Long Island. The plan area is in a transit-rich part of Central Brooklyn, surrounded by thriving residential neighborhoods where housing demand and costs have soared in recent decades.

The current zoning rules, mostly unchanged since 1961, prevent new housing and limit job growth despite the area’s proximity to mass transit, retail, schools, parks, arts and cultural institutions and more.

For example:

  • Building new housing is not permitted
  • New commercial and industrial buildings are generally limited to one or two stories and must provide a substantial amount of parking, which does not meet the needs of today’s businesses

Plan Area

The Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan area runs along an approximately 13-block stretch of Atlantic Avenue and neighboring blocks of Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant between Vanderbilt and Nostrand Avenues.

Atlantic Avenue Mixed Use Study Area Map
The map above shows the primary study area where land use and zoning changes are being considered, along with buffer areas to identify other neighborhood plan opportunities, especially for public realm and capital investments. View a larger image of the plan area map.

Contact Us

Please contact NYC Planning at or (718) 780-8280 for more information.

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