Temporary Protected Status

Last updated 07/23/2024

What is Temporary Protected Status (TPS)?

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) allows individuals from certain countries to remain in the United States if it is unsafe for them to return to their home country due to a humanitarian emergency there. For example, the federal government may designate a country for TPS if there is an armed conflict (e.g., civil war) or a natural disaster (e.g., earthquake). TPS enables recipients to work in the United States lawfully and protects them from deportation as long as the TPS designation is in effect.

In order to receive TPS, applicants must prove that they have lived continuously in the United States since a date specified by the federal government. Countries' TPS designations come up for renewal at 6 to 18-month intervals, at which point the federal government again makes a determination about whether a given country can absorb its returning nationals safely.

Recipients must re-register for TPS if a TPS designation is extended, or in some cases ended. Visit the USCIS website for additional information about TPS.

Free Legal Help is Available

If you have questions about whether you or a loved one might be eligible for TPS, free legal help is available. MOIA's Legal Support Centers can provide free, safe immigration legal help in your community and in your language. You can call MOIA's Immigration Legal Support Hotline at 800-354-0365 between 9am-6pm, on Monday through Friday, to make an appointment.

New York City Has Your Back, Regardless of Your Immigration Status

Regardless of your immigration status, New York City is here to help. If you have questions about how to access City services, call MOIA's Immigration Legal Support Hotline at 212-788-7654 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, or email us at askmoia@cityhall.nyc.gov.

To learn more about the available resources for immigrant New Yorkers visit nyc.gov/immigrantresources.

Countries Currently Designated for TPS

  • Afghanistan flag Afghanistan First-time applicants can register between 09/25/2023-05/20/2025. For those who already have TPS, reregistration ends 11/24/2023.

  • Cameroon flag Cameroon First time applicants must apply by 06/07/2023.

  • El Salvador flag El Salvador TPS documents automatically extended through 03/09/2025. The TPS designation for El Salvador remains in effect pending further court order. Re-registration period for those who already have TPS is 07/12/2025-03/09/2025

  • Ethiopia flag Ethiopia TPS for Ethiopia has been redesignated for 18 months and will run through December 12, 2025. First time applicants can begin applying on April 15, 2024. Individuals who already have TPS must reapply for TPS between April 15, 2024 and June 15, 2024. Individuals who do not reapply for TPS risk losing their status and their work permits. View our announcements in English, Amharic, Oromo, Somali, and Tigrinya for more information.

  • Haiti flag Haiti TPS documents for beneficiaries of the 2011 TPS designation for Haiti automatically extended through 08/03/2024. The 2011 TPS designation for Haiti remains in effect pending further court order.
    • Further, USCIS announced a new TPS designation for Haiti in 2021, and then extended and redesignated TPS through 08/03/2023.
    • The redesignation impacts potential first-time applicants and others who do not currently have TPS. The initial registration period for new applicants under the Haiti TPS redesignation begins on 01/26/2023, and will remain in effect through 08/032024.

  • Honduras flag Honduras TPS documents automatically extended through 07/05/2025. Reregistration opens 11/06/2023. The TPS designation for Honduras remains in effect pending further court order.

  • Myanmar flag Myanmar (Burma) TPS extended and redesignated for 18 months, through 05/25/2024.

  • Afghanistan flag Nepal TPS documents automatically extended through June 30, 2024. The reregistration period is 10/24/2024-12/23/2023. The TPS designation for Nepal remains in effect pending further court order.

  • Nicaragua flag Nicaragua USCIS automatically extended through 06/30/2024. The TPS designation for Nicaragua remains in effect pending further court order.

  • Somalia flag Somalia TPS documents extended and redesignated through 09/17/2024. The extension of TPS for Somalia allows current beneficiaries to retain TPS through 9/17/2024.

  • Sudan flag Sudan TPS documents for beneficiaries of the 2013 TPS designation for Sudan automatically extended through 06/30/2024. The 2013 TPS designation for Sudan remains in effect pending further court order.

  • South Sudan flag South Sudan First time applicants can apply between 09/06/2023-05/03/2025.

  • Syria flag Syria TPS extended and redesignated for 18 months, through 03/31/2024.

  • Ukraine flag Ukraine TPS designated for 18 months through 04/19/2025. The registration period is open as of 10/20/2023.

  • Venezuela flag Venezuela TPS as of 9/20/23 for those who entered the United States prior to 07/30/2023. As of 10/03/2023 extension and redesignation for Temporary Protection Status (TPS) for Venezuela for 18 months is open. The designation provides temporary protection from deportation as well as work authorization for individuals who arrived in the United States before July 31, 2023.
    • If you have already applied for TPS and received your employment authorization form, you will need to renew your TPS within the registration period.
    • If you already applied for TPS but have not received it, be sure to monitor for updates regarding the updated registration period.
    • If you never applied for TPS continue to monitor our site and social media. We will provide an update as soon as it is available.
    • If you are an asylum seeker that has recently arrived in New York City from Venezuela, please visit nyc.gov/asylumseekers for more resources.
    • Visit English TPS Frequently Asked Questions and Spanish TPS Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  • Yemen flag Yemen TPS extended and redesignated for 18 months, through 03/03/2026. Those already with TPS will need to reregister by 09/09/2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is the Temporary Protected Status program ending?

TPS is a form of immigration relief created by federal law. The law allows the federal government to "designate" certain countries for TPS based upon country conditions. However, each country has a different expiration date for TPS. The federal government is required to announce a determination at least 60 days before the expiration date of TPS for a given country.

By law, decisions on TPS designations must be made on a country-by-country basis. It is important for you to track when your TPS is set to expire. If you currently have TPS, you will have lawful status and work authorization until the date on which your TPS expires.

Where can I find out more about changes to TPS?

You should continue to check the USCIS website for additional information about TPS and any changes to TPS.

I'm worried that the federal government might not extend my TPS. What should I do?

Now is the time to look into what your legal options might be. You may be eligible for other forms of immigration relief. It is very important for you to get a legal consultation with a trusted legal services provider. Free legal help is available.

  • ActionNYC can provide free, safe immigration legal help in your community and in your language. You can call ActionNYC at 800-354-0365 between 9am-6pm, on Monday through Friday, to make an appointment.
  • Visit the USCIS website for the most specific information about when your TPS is currently set to expire and what you may need to do to renew it.

How can I avoid fraud while I am seeking immigration legal help?

Beware of unlicensed immigration service providers who take advantage of their customers.

Get help only from a trusted, licensed attorney or an accredited representative. Only lawyers or those who have gotten permission from the Department of Justice can give legal advice.

For questions about this, or to report fraud, call the New York State New Americans Hotline at 1-800-566-7636 between 9am-8pm, on Monday through Friday, or call 311.

Please visit our Avoid Fraud page for more information.

If I lose TPS, will I still have access to City services?

Yes. Many services provided by the City are available to all New Yorkers no matter their immigration status. For more information visit: www.nyc.gov/immigrantresources