Our local businesses are the lifeblood of our neighborhoods. They need clear and sensible rules that give them the flexibility to change and grow. City of Yes for Economic Opportunity is a zoning text amendment that removes outdated limitations on businesses, supports growing industries and helps local retail streets and commercial corridors thrive.
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City of Yes for Economic Opportunity would remove outdated restrictions on where businesses can set up shop to make it easier for businesses to find space or expand. For example, City of Yes:
City of Yes for Economic Opportunity would remove barriers in today’s zoning rules that businesses in growing industries face. For example, City of Yes:
City of Yes for Economic Opportunity would create consistent and easy to understand rules that encourage active, safe, and walkable commercial streets. For example, City of Yes:
City of Yes for Economic Opportunity would rewrite zoning rules to ensure they are user-friendly, consistent, and modern. For example, City of Yes:
When rules make it hard for businesses to find space, small businesses hurt the most.
To support commercial corridors and entrepreneurs throughout the city, and reduce retail vacancy, we need modern zoning regulations that help the city adapt in a dynamic and evolving economy.
The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of flexibility in our zoning regulations. Businesses small and large are reevaluating how they use space, where to locate, and how they function in the face of changing consumer preferences and economic conditions.
Entrepreneurs in New York City have always experimented to develop new business models that make our city more vibrant and dynamic. Yet zoning rules that describe where different types of businesses are allowed have barely changed since 1961.
These often confusing and outdated regulations have made it harder for mom-and-pop stores and other entrepreneurs to open, grow, and adapt in New York City.
City of Yes for Economic Opportunity supports businesses and job growth by ensuring a wider range of businesses can use existing commercial space. It ensures that our zoning is flexible enough for empty storefronts to be activated by businesses that serve our neighborhoods.
Context and research
Please email EconomicOpportunity@planning.nyc.gov with questions or comments.
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