Over the next few weeks, DOB will be offering live Q&A sessions online for
DOB NOW users who have questions about the new features
and filing procedures following the December 28, 2020
launch. There will also be a review of
frequently asked questions
from prior trainings. The sessions will be offered on the following dates and times:
Topics will cover new
features and updates to DOB NOW: Build for the following work types:
- General Construction (GC)
- Foundation (FO)
- Earthwork (EA)
- Support of Excavation (SE)
- Protection & Mechanical Methods (PMM)
- Tenant Protection Plan
- Site Safety Plan
- Supersede & Withdrawal
Space is
limited, so register today to secure your spot! More
session dates will be announced in the near future.
For more information on DOB NOW: Build, please visit our
DOB NOW: Build resources page. |