Facade Inspection
Report Deadline For Sub-Cycle 9A
Owners of
tall buildings still have time file their required
Sub-Cycle 9A facade inspection reports before the
deadline next Monday, February, 22, 2022.
facade inspection reports once every five years is
required under the Department's Facade Inspection &
Safety Program (FISP) which is applicable for buildings
in NYC that are higher than six stories in height. The
upcoming Sub-Cycle 9A deadline for this program includes
properties that are located on a block number that ends
with 4, 5, 6, or 9.
reports must be filed with the Department to determine
whether the exterior walls and appurtenance of the
building are in good condition, or whether repairs must
be made in the interest of public safety. Property
owners who fail to file their required FISP report to
the Department will face monthly penalties, until the
report is submitted.
Facade Compliance
FISP Filing Instructions
FISP - Cycle 9 Diagram |
New Appointment
Process for Filing BIS Jobs
As of,
Tuesday, February 15, 2022, all appointments for filing
Development Hub BIS jobs must be scheduled through the
DOB Appointments System.
Development Hub plan examination appointments for BIS
jobs will no longer be accepted by email. These
appointments will need to be scheduled through the same
appointments system that is currently used to request
appointments with DOB borough office plan examiners.
Read our Service Notice Here |
A Property Owners
Guide to DOB
Join us
for a FREE online seminar, "A Property Owner's Guide to
Navigating DOB," to learn how to navigate DOB's online
resources including DOB NOW, and the Building
Information System (BIS), to find information about work
permits, buildings records, and Certificates of
Occupancy. This course will also help property owners
with information and guidance on how to resolve
DOB-issued violations.
with our partners at the NYC Department of Housing
Preservation and Development (HPD), this free online
event is scheduled for next Tuesday, February 22.
Pre-registration is required to attend,
sign up today!
See here for a full list of other upcoming online DOB
events. |
Refer a Building to
NYC Accelerator
Do you
live or work in a building that could benefit from
energy efficiency and clean energy improvements?
Tell our partners at at the NYC Accelerator about a
building that could benefit from these types of
upgrades, and a member of their team will reach out to
the building's owners and managers. The NYC Accelerator
can provide guidance to property owners on steps they
can take to make their building more energy efficient,
leading to better air quality and comfort for occupants,
lower pollution and carbon emissions, and compliance
with local laws.
You can submit a building referral anonymously or
let the building representative know that you referred
them. It only takes a few minutes to make a difference
when it comes to decarbonizing our city.
Refer a Building Now. |
Sign Up For DDC
Mentoring Program
The New
York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) is
calling on small businesses and Minority and Women-Owned
Business Enterprises (M/WBE) to sign up for a new
mentoring program managed by the agency.
Participants in the
program will learn from experienced construction
management firms, while receiving customized business
assessments, business growth planning, industry training
and experience, and exclusive opportunities to bid on
specially designated construction projects valued up to
$1.5 million.
Program enrollment is currently open,
so sign up today. |
Worker Safety
all construction industry professionals!
Join us on our on our
Facebook or
LinkedIn pages this Thursday, February 17, at
7:30 p.m. to watch our FREE prerecorded video
presentation "Worker Safety: Focus on Safety Trends,
Fall Protection & Leading Edge, Controlled Access Zone
and Worker Safety," hosted by DOB construction safety
Originally presented live during DOB's fall 2021 digital
construction and safety industry conference, DOB's
Worker Safety video series focuses on methods and
strategies for keeping the worksite protected for
workers and the public. We will continue to premier our
prerecorded worker safety presentations on social media
in the following weeks, so be sure to follow us so you
don't miss out on an opportunity to learn more. |
Do Your Part New
York, Get Vaccinated!
It has
never been easier to get a COVID-19 vaccination in NYC!
Open to
people aged 5 and older, vaccines are available at no
cost (regardless of immigration status) and are a
critical tool in protecting yourself and your community
from severe COVID-19 illness, hospitalization and death.
They are also proven to be safe and are now protecting
millions of vaccinated New Yorkers from COVID-19.
To find a
vaccination site near you, use the
City's Vaccine
Finder or call 877-VAX-4NYC (877-829-4692).
Find out more information about the COVID-19 Vaccine. |