The next major
expansion of
DOB NOW: Build, for New Buildings and Occupancy, will occur on March 1,
2021. Please read the full
Service Notice. DOB is offering free online
training to explain the new processes and demonstrate how to
use DOB NOW: Build. Design Professionals, Filing
Representatives, General Contractors, and other Licensees
who have a role in the below applications can register for
training on the DOB NOW Training
Page. For inquiries regarding DOB NOW, please use
the DOB NOW Help Form at
upcoming DOB NOW: Build expansion will include:
Certificate of Occupancy
Beginning March 1, 2021,
all Occupancy requests for BIS and DOB NOW
jobs, must be submitted in
DOB NOW. Form PW7 will no longer be accepted. (PW7s
received by February 26, 2021 will be processed.)
Job Types
Starting on March 1, 2021,
the following job types must be submitted in
- New Buildings (NB)
- Alteration-CO (formerly
Alt-1)* – alterations that impact Certificate of
Temporary BIN (TBIN) Requests
Also effective March 1, 2021, requests for a Temporary
Building Identification Number (TBIN) must be submitted
through DOB NOW. The BIS Unit will no longer be accepting
these requests by email, fax, nor mail. |