DOB NOW/BIS Questions & Answers Sessions
New dates have been added for live Q&A
sessions about filings in DOB NOW: Build and the
Buildings Information System (BIS). A panel of DOB staff is
available at each session to provide assistance to property
owners, registered design professionals, contractors and
filing representatives. Register to attend a session at
Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 2 pm to 4
Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 2 pm to 4
Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 2 pm to 4
Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 2 pm to 4
DOB Issues Standards for Cellular Antenna Installations
In coordination with the City's
effort to further deploy 5G cellular antenna
technology designed to provide New Yorkers with
expanded high-speed Internet, the Department has
issued Technical Bulletin 2021-011 to clarify
antenna installation allowances in all zoning
districts as outlined in the Technical Policy
Procedure Notice 5 of 1998.
Antennas and related equipment
may be placed on select building structures such as
a roof, chimney and smokestack or water tank.
Depending on placement, the antenna's height, square
footage allowed (including related equipment) and
how they are positioned must comply with the
Technical Bulletin.
The submission of plans should
also document placement of existing antennas and
related equipment as well as proposed installations.
To read the Highlights or full Technical Bulletin,
DOB online. |