New Tenant
Protection Plan Requirements + Updated TPP1 & PW2 Forms
are new requirements for Tenant Protection Plans taking effect.
Beginning on November 10, 2020, per Local Law 106 of
The Registered Design Professional (RDP) who prepares the
Tenant Protection Plan (TPP) has to be hired by the general
contractor; and
The permit holder is required to sign a statement certifying
that the TPP submitted by the RDP aligns with the scope of
the planned work.
Exceptions to this
new requirement:
Please be aware that,
in addition to the changes above, we have updated the following
Revised TPP1 Form
Revised PW2: Work
Permit Application Form
The new PW2 form
includes a statement that, if applicable, the TPP submitted
for the work aligns with the scope of the planned work, and
an acknowledgement that, if applicable, the RDP who prepares
the TPP must be retained by the general contractor
performing the work.
Please read the full Service Notice
here. |
New Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy Worksheet Requirement
November 9, 2020, applicants requesting an initial
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) or
TCO Renewal with Changes must use the new
PW7: Review Request form, which includes a TCO
Worksheet on pages 2 - 3 of the form. The TCO Worksheet
must be fully completed for the Borough Commissioner's
Office's review. Please see our
Service Notice for full guidance.
Here's a quick
overview of the steps to request an initial TCO or TCO
Renewal with Changes:
Project Status to Verify TCO Readiness
Use the TCO Worksheet to make sure your project is ready
for the issuance of an initial TCO. Need assistance
navigating the requirements? Make an appointment with a
borough Project Advocate using a
Project Advocate Service Request form and indicating 'Initial TCO
Pre-submission Consultation' as the reason.
Inspections and Obtain Required Sign-offs
All required DOB inspections (construction, plumbing and
elevator) must be completed and the signoff(s) recorded
in the "Items Required" list in the Building Information
System (BIS). All special and/or progress
inspections must also be completed and Technical Reports
submitted. For instructions on special/progress
inspections for phased projects, see the
TCO Worksheet on pages 2 and 3.
Project-specific TCO Required Items
All required items for a TCO listed in the project's
"Items Required" list in BIS must be uploaded in eFiling.
If any items required for a TCO are not ready at the
time of the TCO request, check the TCO Worksheet for
available alternatives.
Applicable Supporting Documents
When a
checked item on the TCO worksheet indicates "submit a
copy," a copy of the specified documents must be
submitted. All supporting documents must be combined
into a single .pdf file and uploaded in eFIling.
Initial TCO or TCO Renewal with Changes Request
Fill out a new PW7 form indicating either Initial TCO or TCO
Renewal with Changes and complete the TCO Worksheet with
all the required information. Upload the new 3-page PW7
form in eFiling by choosing either First Time Occupancy
or TCO Renewal with Change.
For additional CO
or TCO information, visit the DOB's
Certificate of Occupancy page. |
New PER11 Appointment Request Form for Appointment Requests
of November 2, 2020, if you're looking to schedule a
manual or specialized appointment with a Plan Examiner or
Borough Commissioner's office, you will need to complete the
newly updated
PER11 Appointment Request form and email it to the
appropriate email address listed on the form.
You will also need to submit a PER11 form in order to
request review of PW3 changes and fee adjustments not
related to a permit.
AI1s, PAAs, and other required items can no
longer be dropped off and must be submitted in
Please read the
Service Notice for full details.
For additional information, you can also visit our
Scheduling an Appointment webpage. |
Help New York
City Stop the Spread: Get Tested
The COVID-19 diagnostic test is safe, free,
and easy.
Every New Yorker should get tested now, whether or not
you are experiencing symptoms or are at increased risk.
There are over a hundred convenient testing sites across
New York City, as well as mobile testing units visiting
different locations throughout the five boroughs.
To find a testing location near you:
Text "COVID test" to 855-48; Or
Visit: |