proc format; /* GENERAL (NON-QUESTION SPECIFIC) RESPONSE CATEGORIES */ value yesno 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No'; value yesnodk 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = 'Don''t know'; /* ACCESS */ value acs07f 1 = 'Employer (yours or someone else''s)' 2 = 'A plan that you or someone else buys on your own' 3 = 'Medicare' 4 = 'Family Health Plus or Medicaid' 5 = 'The military, CHAMPUS, Tricare, or VA' 6 = 'Some other source or COBRA' 7 = 'Uninsured'; value ins05f 1 = 'Private' 2 = 'Medicare' 3 = 'Medicaid' 4 = 'Other' 5 = 'Uninsured'; value whynoins 1='Cost/too expensive' 2='Insurance ended recently' 3="Didn't think you were eligble" 4='Too difficult/need help' 5='Immigration or residency status' 6="Haven’t had an opportunity to look into it" 7="Do not think it is needed" 8='Unemployed' 9='Other'; value rsoc11f 1 = 'Private Doctor' 2 = 'Community Health Center' 3 = 'A hospital outpatient clinic' 4 = 'A hospital ED/Urg center' 5 = 'Alternative health care provider' 6= 'Family/friend/self/resources' 7= 'Non-hospital clinic' 8 = 'Other' 9 = 'No usual place/does not go'; value rsoc11bf 1 = 'Private Doctor' 2 = 'Community Health Center' 3 = 'A hospital outpatient clinic' 4 = 'A hospital ED/Urg center' 5 = 'Alternative health care provider' 6= 'Family/friend/self/resources' 7= 'Non-hospital clinic' 8 = 'Other' 9 = 'No usual place/does not go' 10= 'Clinic, unknown type'; value placesick 1='Doctor, health center, clinic' 2='ED/Urgent Care' 3='Other' 4='No usual place'; value apptwait 1='Same day' 2='Next day' 3='In 2-3 days' 4='In 4-5 days' 5='More than 5 days' 6='Didnt call doctors office'; /* ALCOHOL */ value maxdrinkscat 1='None' 2='Less than five' 3='Five to nine' 4='Ten or more'; /* CANCER SCREENING */ value timemam 1 = 'Never' 2 = '<1 year' 3 = '1 - <2 years' 4 = '2 - <3 years' 5 = '3 - <5 years' 6 = '>=5 years'; value colon 1 = 'Less than 10 years' 2 = '10 or more years OR never'; /* CARDIOVASCULAR (BP AND CHOLESTEROL) */ value pre9f 1 = 'Less than 6 months ago' 2 = '6 months to 1 year ago' 3 = 'More than 1 year to 2 years ago' 4 = 'More than 2 years ago' 5 = 'Never'; value tmchl12f 1 = 'Less than 12 months ago' 2 = '1 yr ago but less than 2 yrs ago' 3 = '2 yrs ago but less than 3 yrs ago' 4 = '3 yrs ago but less than 5 yrs ago' 5 = '5 or more yrs ago' 6 = 'Never'; /* Child Care New: 2007 */ /* DEMOGRAPHICS */ value agegrp 1 = '18 - 24' 2 = '25 - 44' 3 = '45 - 64' 4 = '65+'; value agegrp5f 1 = '18 - 24' 2 = '25 - 29' 3 = '30 - 44' 4 = '45 - 64' 5 = '65+'; value age 1 = '18 - 24' 2 = '25 - 44' 3 = '45 - 64'; value age21up 1 = '21-44' 2 = '45-64' 3 = '65+'; value age25up 1 = '25 - 44' 2 = '45 - 64' 3 = '65+'; value age40new 1 = '40-44' 2 = '45-64' 3 = '65+'; value age45up 1 = '45 - 64' 2 = '65+'; value age50up 1 = '50 - 64' 2 = '65+'; value numadults 7='7 or more'; value hhsize 7='7 or more'; value sex 1 = 'Male' 2 = 'Female'; value marital 1 = 'Married' 2 = 'Divorced' 3 = 'Widowed' 4 = 'Separated' 5 = 'Never married' 6 = 'A member of unmarried couple'; /* '07 added 'A member of unmarried couple LIVING TOGETHER' */ value sexual 1 = 'Heterosexual' 2 = 'Gay/Lesbian' 3 = 'Bisexual'; value child 1 = 'None' 2 = 'One' 3 = 'Two' 4 = 'Three' 5 = 'More than three'; value employ07f 1 = 'Employed for wages or salary' 2 = 'Self-employed' 3 = 'Unemployed for 1 year or more' 4 = 'Unemployed for less than 1 year' 5 = 'A homemaker' 6 = 'A student' 7 = 'Retired' 8 = 'Unable to work'; value emp3f /* ADDED 09-2013 */ 1 = 'Employed' 2 = 'Unemployed' 3 = 'Not in labor force'; value INCOMEb 1 = '<100%' 2 = '100% - <200%' 3 = '200% - <300%' 4 = '300% - <400%' 5 = '400% - <500%' 6 = '500% - <600%' 7 = '600% or greater' 77 = 'Don''t know'; value poverty 1 = '<100% poverty' 2 = '100% - <200% poverty' 3 = '200% - <400% poverty' 4 = '400% - <600% poverty' 5 = '>= 600% poverty' 6 = 'Don''t know'; value newpovft 1 = '<100%' 2 = '100-199%' 3 = '200-399%' 4 = '400-599%' 5 = '600%+'; value pov200f 1 = '<200% poverty' 2 = '>=200% poverty' 3 = 'Don''t know'; value povgrp3f 1 = '<200%' 2 = '200-399%' 3 = '400+%' 4 = 'Don''t know'; value povflag 0='No' 1='Yes'; value neighpovgroup4f 1 = '0 - <10% (low pov)' 2 = '10 - <20% (medium pov)' 3 = '20 - <30% (high pov)' 4 = '30 - 100% (very high pov)'; value dem55f 1 = 'Puerto Rican' 2 = 'Cuban/Cuban American' 3 = 'Dominican' 4 = 'Mexican/Mexican-American' 5 = 'Central or South American' 6 = 'Other Latin American' 7 = 'Other Hispanic/Latino' 9 = 'Spanish [VOL]'; value newrace 1 = 'White, non-Hispanic' 2 = 'Black, non-Hispanic' 3 = 'Hispanic' 4 = 'Asian/PI, non-Hispanic' 5 = 'Other,non-Hispanic';/*includes multi-race, Native American, other*/ value asian 1 = 'East Asian' 2 = 'South Asian' 3 = 'Southeast Asian' 4 = 'Other'; value dem135f 1 = 'Chinese' 2 = 'Asian Indian' 3 = 'Filipino' 4 = 'Korean' 5 = 'Japanese' 6 = 'Vietnamese' 7 = 'Something else (specify)'; value educat 1 = 'Less than high school' 2 = 'High school graduate' 3 = 'Some college/technical school' 4 = 'College graduate'; value school 1 = 'Never attended school or only attended kindergarten' 2 = 'Grades 1 through 8 (Elementary)' 3 = 'Grades 9 through 11 (Some high school)' 4 = 'Grade 12 or GED (High school graduate)' 5 = 'College 1 year to 3 years (Some college or technical school)' 6 = 'College 4 years or more (College graduate)'; value born 1 = 'US born' 2 = 'Foreign born'; value howlong 1 = '<5 yrs' 2 = '5 - 9 yrs' 3 = '10+ yrs'; value athomeb /* added 2014 */ 1 = 'English' 2 = 'Spanish' 3 = 'Russian' 4 = 'Chinese' 5 = 'Indian' /*6 = 'Italian' added 2014 */ /*7 = 'French' added 2014 */ /*8 = 'Yiddish' added 2014 */ 9 = 'Other'; /* combine Italian, French and Yiddish into Other, June 2016 */ value weight5f 1 = 'Under weight' 2 = 'Normal weight' 3 = 'Over weight' 4 = 'Obese' 5 = 'Very obese'; value weight 1 = 'Under weight' 2 = 'Normal weight' 3 = 'Over weight' 4 = 'Obese'; value wt 1 = 'Under/normal weight' 2 = 'Over weight' 3 = 'Obese'; /* NEW FORMATS FOR COUNTRY/PLACE OF BIRTH (4.10.08) DELETED DUPLICATES AND PLACES THAT ARE NOT REAL COUNTRIES OR BELONG IN A COUNTRY THAT ALREADY HAS A CODE REFER TO FOR MORE INFO*/ value region20f 1='Northern Europe' 2='Western Europe' 3='Southern Europe' 4='Eastern Europe' 5='Eastern Asia' 6='South Central Asia' 7='South Eastern Asia' 8='Western Asia' 9='Eastern Africa' 10='Middle Africa' 11='Northern Africa' 12='Southern Africa' 13='Western Africa' 14='Australia and New Zealand' 15='Elsewhere Oceana' 16='Caribbean' 17='Central America' 18='South America' 19='Northern America - not including U.S.' 20='United States'; value uhf34f 1 = '101 Kingsbridge' 2 = '102 NE Bronx' 3 = '103 Fordham-Bronx Pk' 4 = '104 Pelham-Throgs Neck' 5 = '105/106/107 South Bronx' 6 = '201 Greenpoint' 7 = '202 Downtown-Heights-Slope' 8 = '203 Bed Stuy-Crown Heights' 9 = '204 East New York' 10 = '205 Sunset Park' 11 = '206 Borough Park' 12 = '207 Flatbush' 13 = '208 Canarsie' 14 = '209 Bensonhurst' 15 = '210 Coney Island' 16 = '211 Williamsburg-Bushwk' 17 = '301 Washington Heights' 18 = '302 Central Harlem' 19 = '303 East Harlem' 20 = '304 Upper West Side' 21 = '305/307 Upper East Side-Gramercy' 22 = '306/308 Chelsea-Village' 23 = '309/310 Union Square-Lower Manhattan' 24 = '401 LIC, Astoria' 25 = '402 West Queens' 26 = '403 Flushing' 27 = '404/406 Bayside Little Neck-Fresh Meadows' 28 = '405 Ridgewood' 29 = '407 SouthWest Queens' 30 = '408 Jamaica' 31 = '409 SouthEast Queens' 32 = '410 Rockaway' 33 = '501/502 Northern SI' 34 = '503/504 Southern SI'; value boro 1 = 'Bronx' 2 = 'Brooklyn' 3 = 'Manhattan' 4 = 'Queens' 5 = 'Staten Island'; value dpho 1 = 'South Bronx' 2 = 'East and Central Harlem' 3 = 'North and Central Brooklyn' 4 = 'All Other Neighborhoods'; value homeownnew /* added 2013 */ 1='Owned' 2='Rented' 3='[VOL] Occupied with no rent'; /* Dentist */ value visitdds13f 1 = 'less than 6 months ago' 2 = '6 months ago but less than 1 year ago' 3 = '1 year ago but less than 2 years ago' 4 = '2 years ago but less than 5 years ago' 5 = '5 or more years ago' 6 = 'Never'; /* HEALTH STATUS */ value health 1 = 'Excellent' 2 = 'Very Good' 3 = 'Good' 4 = 'Fair' 5 = 'Poor'; /* NUTRITION */ value ndrinks 1 = 'None' 2 = '<1' 3 = '1' 4 = '>1'; value drinksize 1 = 'Less than 12 ounces' 2 = '12 ounces' 3 = '16 ounces' 4 = '20 ounces' 5 = '32 ounces' 6 = 'More than 32 ounces'; value ounces 777='<12 oz (more than zero)' 888='>32 oz' 999='Cannot be determined'; value ndrnkcat 1 = '>=2 sodas per day' 2 = '<2 sodas per day'; value wlkprdc10f 1='5 min or less' 2='More than 5, less than 10 min' 3='10 min or more' 4='[VOL] Phys unable to walk'; /* PHYSICAL ACTIVITY */ value bicycle9f 1 = 'Several times a month' 2 = 'At least once a month' 3 = 'A few times a year' 4 = '[Vol] Unable to ride bike' 5 = 'Never'; value commute_walkbikef 1= "Walk and/or bike only" 2= "Walk or bike with other modes" 3= "Do not report walk or bike"; value cyc12f 1 = 'Once a week or more' 2 = 'Several times a month' 3 = 'At least once a month' 4 = 'A few times a year' 5 = 'Never' 6 = '[VOL] Physically unable'; value activelev 1 = 'Very active' 2 = 'Somewhat active' 3 = 'Not very active' 4 = 'Not active at all'; value PA08_3Rf 1 = 'Inactive' 2 = 'Insufficiently active' 3= 'Sufficiently active'; /* SEXUAL BEHAVIOR */ value bcpills 1='Yes' 2='No' 3='[VOL] Never had vaginal sex'; value analsex 1 = 'Every time' 2 = 'Some of the time' 3 = 'Never'; value partner 1 = 'None' 2 = 'One' 3 = 'Two' 4 = 'Three or more'; value behave 1 = 'Homosexual' 2 = 'Bisexual' 3 = 'Heterosexual' 4 = 'Sexually active with incomplete info'; value bctype /* NEW in 2013 */ 1='No contraception' 2='Birth control pills only' 3='Birth control pills + shots, vaginal ring, or patch' 4='Birth control pills + IUD or implant' 5='Birth control pills + emergency contraception' 6='Birth control pills + other method' 7='Birth control pills + sterilization' 8='Shots, vaginal ring, or patch only' 9='IUD or implant' 10='Emergency contraception' 11='Other method' 12='Sterilization'; value ipregnew 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = 'No, but wouldn''t have minded' 4 = 'Already pregnant / partner already pregnant' 5 = 'Unable to get pregnant / partner unable to get pregnant'; /* TOBACCO , SMOKING (INCLUDING SECOND HAND SMOKE) */ value smoker 1 = 'Never' 2 = 'Current' 3 = 'Former'; value heavysmokerf /* UPDATED 09-2013 to >10 cpd/<=10cpd */ 1 = 'Yes (>10 cig/day)' 2 = 'No (<=10 cig/day)'; value smokeage 1 = '1 - 9 yrs' 2 = '10 - 12 yrs' 3 = '13 - 17 yrs' 4 = '18 - 22 yrs' 5 = '>= 23 yrs'; value some 1 = 'Yes, everyday' 2 = 'No, somedays'; value cpdcat 1 = '<10' 2 = '10-<21' 3 = '21+'; value cgrdaycat 1= '1 day' 2= '2-7 days' 3= '8-14 days' 4= '>14 days'; value cgrpd 1 = '1' 2 = '2-5' 3 = '>5'; value lastcig 1 = 'Carton' 2 = 'Pack' 3 = 'Single/loosie' 4 = 'Bummed' 5 = 'Or did you roll your own?' ; value cigpur 1='New York City' 2='Gas station, deli, other store in NYC' 3='Another person/street in NYC' 4='Another person/street location unknown' 5='Store location unknown' 6='Outside NYC but in NYS' 7='Different state' 8='Internet/mail' 9='Indian reservation' 10='Outside USA' 11='Airport' 12='Duty free' 13='Other'; value packdisc /* new in 2013 */ 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' 3 = '[VOL] Do not buy single packs'; value taxavoid 1='NYC tax avoidant' 2='Not NYC tax avoidant' 3='Cannot be determined'; value cgrleveryday 1='Everyday' 2='Somedays'; /* Second hand smoke */ value cigsmell 1 = 'Everyday' 2 = 'A few times per week' 3 = 'A few times per month' 4 = 'A few times per year' 5 = 'Never'; value cigsmellb 1 = 'Everyday' 2 = 'Sometimes' 3 = 'Never'; /* type of smoker (added 09/2013)*/ value smkcatf /* ADDED 09-2013 */ 1 = 'Non-daily smoker' 2 = 'Light daily smoker(<= 10 cigarettes per day)' 3 = 'Heavy daily smoker(>10 cigarettes per day)' 4 = 'Non-smoker'; value hookah 1='Yes' 2='No' 3='[VOL] Do not know what a hookah is'; value ecig 1='Yes' 2='No' 3='[VOL] Do not know what an e-cigarette is'; value ecigfrq 1='Every day' 2='Some days' 3='Not at all'; /* MISCELLANEOUS */ /* Commuting 2006 */ value daytime 1 = 'At or around your home' 2 = 'At a work location outside your home' 3 = 'At school' 4 = 'At work or school equally' 5 = '[VOL] Some place else'; /* Fruits and vegetables */ value fruitveg 1 = 'None' 2 = '1 - 4' 3 = '5+'; /*HOUSING ENVIRONMENT */ VALUE houseunit 1 = '1-2 units' 2 = '3-9 units' 3 = '10-49 units' 4 = '50+ units'; /* indoor tanning */ /* new in 2014 */ value tan 1 = '0 times' 2 = '1 to 9 times' 3 = '10 or more times'; /* age at last body piercing */ value bpagecat 1='under 15' 2='15 to 17' 3='18 to 21' 4='22 and over'; /*Additional variables added August 2017*/ /* NEW FORMATS FOR COUNTRY/PLACE OF BIRTH (4.10.08) REFER TO FOR MORE INFO*/ value cntryNEW 1 = 'Argentina' 2 = 'Australia' 3 = 'Bangladesh' 4 = 'Barbados' 5 = 'Belarus' 6 = 'Bolivia' 7 = 'Brazil' 8 = 'Canada' 9 = 'Caribbean' 10 = 'Chile' 11 = 'China' 12 = 'Colombia' 13 = 'Costa Rica' 14 = 'Cuba' 15 = 'Dominican Republic' 16 = 'Ecuador' 17 = 'Egypt' 18 = 'El Salvador' 19 = 'France' 20 = 'Germany' 21 = 'Ghana' 22 = 'Greece' 23 = 'Guatamala' 24 = 'Guyana' 25 = 'Haiti' 26 = 'Honduras' 27 = 'Hong Kong' 28 = 'Hungary' 29 = 'India' 30 = 'Ireland' 31 = 'Israel' 32 = 'Italy' 33 = 'Jamaica' 34 = 'Japan' 35 = 'Korea' 36 = 'Mexico' 37 = 'Nicaragua' 38 = 'Nigeria' 39 = 'Pakistan' 40 = 'Panama' 41 = 'Peru' 42 = 'Philippines' 43 = 'Poland' 44 = 'Puerto Rico' 45 = 'Romania' 46 = 'Russia' 47 = 'Sierra Leone' 48 = 'South American' 49 = 'Spain' 50 = 'Taiwan' 51 = 'Trinidad and Tobago' 52 = 'Turkey' 53 = 'Ukraine' 54 = 'United Kingdom' 55 = 'Venezuela' 56 = 'Vietnam' 57 = 'West Indian' 58 = 'Yugoslovia' 59 = 'Afghanistan' 60 = 'Africa' 61 = 'Albania' 62 = 'Antigua' 63 = 'Armenia' 64 = 'Austria' 65 = 'Bahrain' 67 = 'Belgium' 68 = 'Belize' 69 = 'Bulgaria' 70 = 'Cambodia' 71 = 'Central Asia' 72 = 'Cyprus' 73 = 'Czechoslovakia' 74 = 'England' 75 = 'Europe' 76 = 'Georgia' 77,99,999 = 'Unknown' 78 = 'Grenada' 79 = 'Guinea' 80 = 'Indonesia' 81 = 'Iran' 82 = "Cote D'Ivoire" 83 = 'Jordan' 84 = 'Latin American country' 85 = 'Latvia' 86 = 'Lebanon' 87 = 'Malaysia' 88 = 'Malta' 89 = 'Middle Eastern' 90 = 'Montenegro' 91 = 'Morocco' 92 = 'Netherlands' 93 = 'Norway' 94 = 'Portugal' 95 = 'Democratic Republic of the Congo (former: Zaire)' 96 = 'Scotland' 97 = 'Senegal' 98 = 'Singapore' 100 = 'South Korea' 101 = 'Sri Lanka' 102 = 'St. Lucia' 103 = 'St. Vincent' 104 = 'Suriname' 105 = 'Sweden' 106 = 'Switzerland' 107 = 'Thailand' 108 = 'Uruguay' 109 = 'Uzbekistan' 110 = 'Virgin Islands' 111 = 'West Africa' 112 = 'Zambia' 113 = 'Dominica' 114 = 'Kenya' 116 = 'Algeria' 117 = 'Aruba' 118 = 'Asia' 119 = 'Bahamas' 120 = 'Tibet' 121 = 'Bermuda' 122 = 'Burma' 123 = 'British Virgin Islands' 124 = 'Cameroon' 125 = 'Central America' 126 = 'Croatia' 127 = 'East Africa' 128 = 'Estonia' 129 = 'Ethiopia' 130 = 'Finland' 131 = 'French Guiana' 133 = 'Iraq' 134 = 'Serbia' 135 = 'Liberia' 136 = 'Lithuania' 137 = 'Mali' 138 = 'Mauritius' 139 = 'Mauritania' 140 = 'Moldova' 141 = 'Montserrat ' 142 = 'Nepal' 143 = 'New Zealand' 144 = 'Niger' 145 = 'Libya' 146 = 'Martinique' 147 = 'Paraguay' 148 = 'Saudi Arabia' 149 = 'South Africa' 150 = 'Southeast Asia' 151 = 'Slovenia' 152 = 'St. Croix' 153 = 'St. Thomas' 155 = 'Sudan' 156 = 'Syria' 157 = 'Tajikistan' 158 = 'Uganda' 159 = 'United Arab Emirates' 160 = 'Yemen' 161 = 'Zimbabwe' 162 = 'Angola' 163 = 'Anguilla' 164 = 'Tanzania' 165 = 'Azerbaijan' 166 = 'Slovakia' 167 = 'Bosnia' 168 = 'Somalia' 169 = 'Brunei' 170 = 'Cayman Islands' 171 = 'Curacao' 172 = 'Denmark' 173 = 'Gambia' 174 = 'Iceland' 175 = 'Kuwait' 176 = 'Macauo' 178 = 'Palestine' 179 = 'Papua, New Guinea.' 180 = 'Rwanda' 181 = 'Scandinavia' 184 = 'St. Martin' 186 = 'Togo' 188 = 'St. Maarten' 189 = 'US Virgin Islands' 190 = 'Republic of Macedonia' 191 = 'Kazakhstan' 192 = 'Kyrgyzstan' 193 = 'Gabon' 194 = 'Tunisia' 195 = 'Turkmenistan' 196 = 'Guam' 197 = 'Eritrea' 198 = 'Fiji' 200 = 'Samoa' 202 = 'Turks and Caicos Island' 203 = 'Wales (UK)' 204 = 'Djibouti (East Africa)' 206 = "St. John's" 207 = 'Cape Verde' 209 = 'Bhutan' 210 = 'Luxembourg' 213 = 'Federation of St Kitts and Nevis' 214 = 'Burkina Faso' 215 = 'Burundi' 216 = 'Kosovo' 217 = 'Guadeloupe' 218 = 'Namibia' 219 = 'Former USSR, not specified' 220 = 'Benin' 221 = 'Madagascar' 222 = 'St. Barts' 223 = 'British Isles' 224 = 'Qatar' 225 = 'Laos' 226 = 'Oman' 227 = 'Czech Republic' 228 = 'Central Africa' 229 = 'Northern Africa' 230 = 'Southern Africa' 1000 = 'USA'; 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