Creating a Welcoming Inclusive Environment Self-Assessment

    Take a moment to reflect on how your site appears to families.
    Using the self-assessment below, consider your programโ€™s strengths and areas that need improvement.

    Does Your Program Space...

    • Yes

    • Somewhat

    • Not Yet

    • NA

    Establish family engagement mission and goals?

    YesSomewhatNot yetNA

    Display a mission statement committing to work with families, youth, and the community the program serves?

    YesSomewhatNot yetNA

    Display signs inside and outside the programs welcoming visitors?

    YesSomewhatNot yetNA

    Use signs clearly written in languages meaningful to the participants and their families?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Have signs, maps, or guides to help families find where to go?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Have a cheerful and suitably furnished waiting area for visitors?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Have a dedicated and furnished space for family members and volunteers to use?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Reflect an orderly and safe environment conducive to effective learning and program needs? ;

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Display participant work throughout the building?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Have an outside signboard that is readable from the street and carries notices of meetings, recognition of students/staff/organizations?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Does the Staff (all staff and volunteers)...

    Exhibit welcoming behavior? (Do they smile and greet families? Acknowledge families immediately and treat them courteously?)

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Provide needed information easily and get back to families promptly with responses to their inquiries?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Clearly direct families to the appropriate person to answer their questions?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Make themselves easily accessible to parents/families?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Ensure that participants model friendly and courteous behavior towards all families?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Model using inclusive language with participants, with other staff, and with family members?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Treat all families with respect and avoid stereotyping or judgment when communicating with two-mom, two-dad, and single-parent, racially diverse or multi-lingual families?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Maintain a courteous and helpful approach to other members of a participants' Circle of Support โ€“ grandparents, siblings, teachers, coach, etc.

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    Are Your Communication Materialsโ€ฆ?

    By reminding participants that respect means no put-downs or harassment about who someone is or who their family is?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    By fostering active relationships between participants and their families?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    By having staff interrupt mean teasing or put-downs about participants' identities or their families?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

    By holding events recognizing and celebrating family diversity?

    YesSomewhatNot yetN/A

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