Engaging Older Adults and Their Families

In 2010, the elderly population 60 years and older living in New York City numbered 1,407,635, representing 17.2% of the Cityโ€™s population. When taking care of an elderly parent or another relative, family members need to work cooperatively. For some families, taking care of an elder parent or relative who once took care of them is a difficult transition because of the changes in roles. Focusing on shared activities like scrapbooking can help build connections over shared memories.

Tips on Building and Strengthening Intergenerational Relationships

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Taking Care of an Elderly Parent or Relative

Custodial Grandparents

For many grandparents, the stress of coping with intergenerational parenting is compounded by poverty, premature death and incarcerations of their children, unemployment and language barriers. Many grandparents thought they had left the role of primary caregiver for their own children and intended to be advisor for their childrenโ€™s children. When they are placed in the role of custodial caregiver, the family may need extra supports.

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