
The following steps outline the high-level process of integrating NYC.ID with your application. Follow the links in each individual step to find more detailed directions for each step.

Step Description Time Estimate
1 Review the Application Requirements to see if your application can integrate with NYC.ID. 1 day
2 Request access to the NYC.ID Console. 3 days
3 Integrate NYC.ID with your application. Learn how via the integration guide, which outlines these key areas:
  1. Authentication
  2. Account Management
  3. User Experience
  4. Mobile
  5. User Migration
  6. Environments

2 – 6 weeks*

! IMPORTANT Does not include DoITT security accreditation.
*depends on developers' familiarity with SAML, OAuth, web services, and the complexity of your application functionality and architecture
4 Perform Pre-Production Testing 1 day
5 Agency deploys application to production. 1 - 5 days