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Pediatric Airway Skills

Course Description:

The Pediatric Airway Skills Course equips learners with the tools necessary to manage a difficult pediatric airway. The course will review patient positioning, techniques for improved airway visualization, as well as review skills and tools that can make a difference in the challenging airway patient. Learners will be exposed to laryngoscopic intubation, laryngeal mask airways, bougies, GlideScopes, transtracheal jet ventilation as well as Seldinger and McIntyre cricothyroidotomies. During the hands-on phase, learners will receive direct instruction and practice using this equipment. The learners will then apply their new knowledge by being placed into a high-fidelity simulation experience where they will be challenged to use these new techniques. With an underpinning in TeamSTEPPs, the scenario debriefing reviews the thought processes leading to decisions made during the management of the patient, as well as addresses troubleshooting the difficult airway situations.

This course does not certify personnel or grant privileges to use any of these techniques, nor is this course a substitute for local supervised competency assessment.

Audience: Attendings, residents, physician assistants and nurse practitioners in Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Course Length: 4 hours
Course Dates: See calendar
Registration: Contact Simulation Center by email for registration information.
Director: Katie Walker, RN, MB
Author: Michael Meguerdichian, MD
CME Credit: 

This course approved for 4.0 CME credits.  


Continuing Education for Nurses:  Application pending.
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