With little room to maneuver or park private cars, New Yorkers are more desperately
dependent on taxis than any other city dwellers in the world. And the thousands of
cabs that they ride are among the world's sleaziest: cigarette butts and paper coffee
cups on the floor, dirty windows, leprous upholstery, chewed gum and sticky candy
wrappers on ripped seats, and jagged metal protrusions on the doors waiting to
savage the clothing of entering or departing passengers.

Thus it was with considerable incredulity last week that New York's taxi masochists
learned that one of the biggest fleets in town, called Helen Maintenance, had hired
Designer Carleton Varney to refurbish its taxis in Holiday Inn splendor. The
company's 104 Checker cabs will have green-and-white checked vinyl-covered seats,
red tweed weather-resistant carpeting, solid green jump seats and matching interior
walls. Seat belts will be bright red and ceilings will be painted blue—with an
occasional white cloud and colorful bird —symbolizing, no doubt, New York's skyhigh
fares. Says a Panglossian spokesman for Helen (named for no one): "Driver
reaction has been surprisingly great. The drivers feel that it will stimulate bright
conversation with their passengers." Chiefs of Helen Maintenance are trying to
persuade the Checker Co. of Kalamazoo, Mich., to make the spiffy interiors a
standard item on all the taxis that it manufactures for New York.
Another large New York taxi fleet, Scull's Angels, is intent on decorating the
passengers' interiors. The company will soon present patrons between 7 a.m. and 9
a.m. with a free box containing orange juice, dry cereal, milk, a Styrofoam bowl and a
plastic spoon, all of which could add to backseat squalor. Though Scull's fleet is
owned by famed Art Collector Robert Scull, there are no plans to mellow the yellows'