June 13, 2013
“Today, the New York State Legislature passed important City-proposed legislation that will allow for significant reforms to the board of the New York City Housing Authority and streamline its management. Moving forward, board members will no longer be salaried, but rather serve in part-time positions with stipends for time dedicated to board activities. This bill will also increase the overall size of the Housing Authority’s board from four to seven and provide for additional tenant representation with three of the seven board members being required to be public housing residents, ensuring a more diverse range of views. Across the country, cities have abandoned public housing, but we refused to do that. We continued to invest and support our public housing system, and these reforms will help us continue to improve it – in spite of a decade of cutbacks by Congress. I would like to thank Assemblyman Keith Wright and Senator Marty Golden for their leadership on this issue and their work to help us preserve and protect New York City’s public housing, as well as Deputy Mayors Steel and Wolfson for crafting this critical legislation and helping ensure its successful passage.”
Marc La Vorgna / Julie Wood
(212) 788-2958