July 1, 2013
Remarks by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg at a Public Hearing on Local Laws“The first bill before me is Introductory Number 1003-A, sponsored at the request of our Administration by Council Members Dilan, Arroyo, Comrie, Koo, Wills, and Gennaro.
“In 2011, the Department of Buildings launched the Construction Information Panel Pilot Program to encourage contractors and building owners to consolidate required construction signage and permits into a single new standard. Introductory Number 1003-A continues this effort by further regulating signage at construction sites to provide more useful information to the public and minimize the visual clutter of signage at construction sites throughout the City.
“In addition to the name and contact information on the party responsible for the construction site, the sign will include a rendering of the building, a description of the intended use and the anticipated completion date of the project. The legislation further authorizes the Buildings Department to establish a best construction site management program and practices, and a logo that can be posted on panels where these practices are implemented. In addition, this bill establishes additional requirements for existing fence and shed signs, requires Plexiglas viewing panels and sets color requirements for all new construction site fencing and sidewalk sheds.
“I would like to thank Department of Buildings Commissioner Robert Limandri and his staff for their work on this bill along with my Office of City Legislative Affairs. I would also like to thank the City Council for approving this legislation.”
Marc LaVorgna/Evelyn Erskine
(212) 788-2958