September 23, 2017
Mayor Bill de Blasio: Thank you. Everybody, this is one of the great actresses in the world, but she’s also someone who does so much for charity, for social consciousness – 10 percent of all of her earnings she gives back to charity. Thank Priyanka Chopra for all she does – Priyanka Chopra.
Well done. Priyanka, thank you. And to everyone here, thank you, because you’re here, you’re making a difference. Now, let me ask – are there some New Yorkers here?
Alright. To all the New Yorkers and to all the visitors, here’s a question – do you believe you can change the world?
Are you taking responsibility for changing the world? Do you know that we can fight for change in our own cities, in our own towns and all over the world at the same time?
Here in this city we have people in poverty too, and we are working to end poverty in New York City.
281,000 people will be out of poverty by the end of this year compared to just a few years ago.
But, brothers and sisters, we have to fight all of the things that hold people back. We have to make sure people have a decent wage. We have to make sure people have things like paid sick leave for their family. We can do that if you fight for it everywhere in this country, right?
Now, listen, one more thing – this beautiful day – it’s the most amazing day. We need to protect mother earth. We need to fight climate change.
In our own lives, we can fight climate change. You – everybody here can help to make a difference, but you can also say to your city, your town, your state – we agree with the Paris Agreement. We’re standing by the Paris Agreement.
We’re going to save the earth. We’re doing it here in New York. You can do it too.
Everybody, thank you to everyone who volunteered. Thank you to everyone who made a difference. Thank you. Go out wherever you live and make a difference in your community.
Think globally, act locally.
Thank you. God bless you all.
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