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Transcript: Mayor Eric Adams Delivers Remarks at 10 Years Later: Remembering Hurricane Sandy 2012-2022

October 29, 2022

Mayor Eric Adams: Thank you. Thank you so much. And I thought of Borough President Vito’s words, this just really resonates with me. I remember last year, I had about a 15 year run with my sister, we just didn't talk to each other. She just irritated the hell out of me. And then mommy died and we were forced into the room to plan mommy's wake and her funeral. And after just embracing each other and crying, losing someone that was just so important to me, I still feel a hole in my heart. In her departure, we realized how silly it was that we spent so much energy, all those years we lost of just being there for each other. And we're losing a lot of years now. And I just think that there are a lot of forces that really enjoy watching us go at each other all the time and just spend so much energy bickering back and forth.

After the intramural games are over, we put on one jersey, that jersey is the jersey of NYC, USA. And sometimes the creator gives us moments like this to force us to stop and pause and ask, "Are we focusing (inaudible)?" I don't think there's a time that I see you, Vito, that I don't say how your sons are doing, and then ask me how Jordan's doing. Those are the things that are important. And you know what's interesting, that Staten Island, I like to say New York City is America's city, but Staten Island is the core of that. You probably have more per capita those who are teachers, firefighters, police officers, first responders, this borough is really the symbol of what's great about this country. The homeowners, the issues you push through, those that you believe are important, families, education, public safety are the bedrock of who we are.

And so when a storm like Sandy hits the shores of the bedrock of the American experience, it's a moment for reflection. But at the same time, we're hit with these moments. As I talk about September 11th and the number of people you lost during September 11th, and we commemorate the loss of individuals like we're doing today, but I can't help but just remember September 12th. We got up, our teachers taught, builders built, retailers sold goods. We were ground zero for terrorism, ground zero for COVID. This community was really ground zero for Superstorm Sandy.

But over and over again, we get up and we rebuild. We go from this, to organizing like this, and then finding purpose. And so I say to this entire team out here, Councilman Borelli, you and everyone out here, this is probably one of the (inaudible) places that I know that you all come together to say what's best for Staten Island. And I believe what's best for the city.

So we are doing some things here on Staten Island. We've completed the major phase of the New Creek Bluebelt Project. We are embarking on the upcoming South Beach and Oakwood Beach Bluebelt. And often we talk about dismantling the wall, but this time around we want to build a wall. We need the Army Corps of Engineers to finally build the Staten Island sea wall to ensure that we start the process of protecting you, Staten Island.

And we put in place a new citywide climate strategy that will boost resiliency efforts throughout the five boroughs. This storm, Sandy, was not just a storm, it was a wake up call. Superstorm Sandy and storms like these storms are real. They're real. They're not our imagination. They are created, we're looking at levels of devastation. This is traumatic and the numbers is right, 24 people we lost, but imagine the 2,400 that they're close to losing their lives. Hearing the story about children being washed away out of the hands of their moms or dads and sons dying holding each other's hands. Those stories resonate throughout our entire moments here.

And so I thank you. I thank you as we come together and understand we need each other, we use this as a moment on our reflection on how do we fight against a common enemy, and that's climate change and the devastation that comes from it. And I thank you Staten Islanders, I thank you, not only what you're doing now, but what you do every day as you hit that alarm clock, get up, kiss your loved ones and to go into our city and make sure we create a place where we can raise healthy children and families. And I am very much want to be a part of that. I'm happy to be the mayor of this city, not because of the tall builders, not because of our wide streets, not because of all the excitement and attractions. I'm happy to be the mayor of the city because of the people. Borrowing from Snapple soft drink, "We're made up of the best stuff on earth," we’re New Yorkers. Thank you very much.


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