August 25, 2014
Mayor de Blasio: Thank you so much.
You know, this is just an extraordinary place. And we know this is the highlight of the worldwide tennis season, when it gets right here to New York City. The U.S. Open is where it’s at!
And I have to tell you, a lot of people made this tournament what it is – this extraordinary stadium what it is – but we owe a special debt of gratitude because in 1993, the man who struck the deal on behalf of the people in New York City to create this beautiful stadium was Mayor David Dinkins. I want us to give him all of our gratitude.
One of the greatest sports deals in the history of this city or any other city. Great for the city and its people, great for tennis. And it has made all this possible.
And this city is committed to tennis in every way: We have over 500 tennis courts in all five boroughs for New Yorkers of all ages. We have over 75,000 young people who participate in New York Junior Tennis, and spread the love of this wonderful sport, and keep themselves fit at the same time. This is a tennis city, and we’re proud to be.
In the next two weeks, 700,000 people will visit this stadium and participate in this extraordinary event, and we’re so proud to host you. So to everyone, have an extraordinary U.S. Open. New York City says welcome, and thank you so much.
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