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December 17, 2013

John Jay College of Criminal Justice Hosts A Close to Home Convening

On Tuesday, December 17, ACS, the NYC Department of Probation, and the NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), in conjunction with John Jay College of Criminal Justice, hosted a juvenile justice convening to discuss the first year of Close to Home, New York State and City’s juvenile justice reform initiative, and moving forward with Phase II. The convening addressed the entire Close to Home Initiative, including the city-state partnership that makes it possible, as well as the critical collaborations among city agencies and community partners. The Convening included panel discussions with ACS Commissioner Richter, Department of Probation Commissioner Vincent Schiraldi, Department of Education District 79 Superintendent Dr. Tim Lisante, a representative of OCFS, as well as young people who have been through the juvenile justice system and their parents.

Close to Home Convening


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