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June 15, 2015

New York Center for Children Conference on Treatment, Prevention and Early Intervention of Child Abuse

The New York Center for Children (NYCC) presented its Tenth Annual Conference on the Treatment, Prevention and Early Intervention of Child Abuse. “Treating Traumatized Teens” on June 15, 2015 at the Nicholas Scoppetta Children’s Center in Manhattan. The annual conference is a collaboration between NYCC, NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), Prevent Child Abuse America, and the New York State Unified Court System Child Welfare Court Improvement Project. The conference featured workshops on therapeutic treatment approaches to more than 200 professionals, including clinical therapists, foster care caseworkers and staff, child protection workers, judges, lawyers, social workers, guidance counselors, teachers, doctors, nurses, child advocates, and childcare professionals.

In her opening remarks, ACS Commissioner Gladys Carrion spoke about the importance of using a trauma-informed lens as a framework for our work in the child-serving systems. Commissioner Carrión informed the attendees about ACS’ efforts to address trauma, including better screening for children entering the child welfare and juvenile justice systems and training and support for staff to engage children and youth who have experienced trauma. “The foundation for our focus on well-being is a greater understanding of how trauma impacts our children and families and infusing trauma-informed services and supports throughout our systems,” the Commissioner said. Dr. Isaiah Pickens, Ph.D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University School of Medicine Bellevue Hospital Center provided the keynote presentation, “The Story Behind Adolescent Trauma.”

Each year, ACS investigates over 50,000 allegations of child abuse and neglect. Without intervention, children who are subject to abuse and neglect may face long-lasting effects to their physical, cognitive, emotional, psychological and social development. The Conference highlighted strategies and resources to support recovery and positive outcomes for children traumatized by abuse, neglect, and exploitation with a focus on commercially sexually exploited young people and LGBTQ youth.

The New York Center for Children is a privately-funded non-profit organization that provides treatment to victims to child abuse, training for professionals who work with children, and child protecting policy development.

New York Center for Children Conference on Treating Traumatized Teens
Panelists at the conference

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