Below are guides to identify which Code sections apply depending on the date your application(s) was filed.
1. Administration, including:
2. Enforcement, violations, fines, penalties
3. Safety of public and property during construction (BC Chapter 33)
* Submission of application for construction document approval
** In addition, this option remains available only if:2008 Code applies
* Submission of application for construction document approval
** In addition, this option remains available only if:
Alterations to Existing Buildings
1968 Code applies
1968 Code*** including provisions that allow in certain instances the use of the 1938 Code, except that the following must comply with the 2008 Code:
1. Administration, including:
2. Enforcement, violations, fines, penalties
3. Safety of public and property during construction (BC Chapter 33)
* Submission of application for construction document approval
** The 2008 Code cannot be elected where the 2008 Code provisions as applied to the particular building would result in a
reduction in fire safety or structural safety. As an alternative, the entire building may be made to comply with the 2008 Code.
*** In addition, this option remains available only if:
1968 Code*** including provisions that allow in certain instances the use of the 1938 Code, except that the following must comply with the 2008 Code:
1. Administration, including:
2. Enforcement, violations, fines, penalties
3. Safety of public and property during construction (BC Chapter 33)
4. Plumbing work (PC)
5. Fuel gas work (FGC)
6. Mechanical work (MC)
7. Fire protection (sprinkler, standpipe, alarms) (BC Chapter 9)
8. Elevators, conveyors and amusement (BC Chapter 30)
9. Accessibility for the entire building as if hereafter erected when exceeding 50% of building value or when changing the main use or dominant occupancy (BC Chapter 11)
10. Encroachments into the public right of way (BC Chapter 32)
* Submission of application for construction document approval
** The 2008 Code cannot be elected where the 2008 Code provisions as applied to the particular building would result in a reduction in fire safety or structural safety. As an alternative, the entire building may be made to comply with the 2008 Code.
*** In addition, this option remains available only if: