Fabricated Items Including Modular Construction


According to NYC §28-101.5, fabricated items are:

“Products and assemblies regulated by this code that are custom manufactured or built prior to their incorporation into the work at the construction site. Fabricated items shall not include listed, labeled, or approved products or assemblies. Materials produced in accordance with standard specifications referenced by this code, such as rolled structural steel shapes, steel-reinforcing bars, masonry units, and wood structural panels, or in accordance with a referenced standard listed in this code, which provides requirements for quality control done under the supervision of a third-party quality control agency, shall not be considered fabricated items”.

Modular units are a type of fabricated item. In accordance with BB 2014-003:

“…modular units are component parts assembled at a location other than the construction site and which are then transported to the construction site for installation”.

Filing For Fabricated Items Including Modular

Approval and permitting.

Projects with fabricated items must be approved and permitted. 
Note: One- and two-family dwelling units and multiple dwelling units of not more than two stories in height (see Article 1, Section 393(c) of the NYS Executive Law) must comply with NYS Code (reviewed by NYS).

Certification of Work Performed In Fabricator’s Shop

Each fabricated item must be certified for NYC code-compliance, which include:

  • Modular units (a type of fabricated item) with plumbing, fire suppression piping, electrical or oil-burning equipment assemblies must be certified by NYC licensees (see BB 2014-003, section (II)(A)) or optionally by in-shop monitor(s) (see BB 2014-003, section (II)(B)). Certifications include and must be submitted to OTCR:
    • Licensee Certification Statement (BB 2014-003, Exhibit 2).
    • Monitor Certification Statement (BB 2014-003, Exhibit 4).
  • Fabricated items (including modular units) requiring special and/or progress inspections must be certified in accordance with special inspections required by the Construction Codes (BC Chapter 17 and BC 1704.2) or is optionally exempt when the work is performed by an approved fabricator (see BC 1704.2.2 and BB 2011-009). Approved fabricators certify work in accordance with BB 2011-009, section (E).
    Certifications include and must be submitted to OTCR:
    • Certificate of Intent to Fabricate (BB 2011-009, Attachment A) – must be submitted within 2 weeks after the permit has been issued.
    • Certificate of Compliance (BB 2011-009, Attachment B) – must be submitted within 2 weeks after fabrication of the fabricated item is completed.

Approval of In-Shop Monitors and Approved Fabricators

  • In-shop monitors must submit an OTCR2 Site Specific application along with modular construction plans, project narrative include (list of equipment and general information about the project) and notarized affidavit to affirm that all modular constructions units comply with all applicable codes.
  • Approved fabricators must be qualified in accordance with BB 2011-009, Section (c)(1).

Installation of Fabricated Items

  • Installation shall be in accordance with approved fabricators’ procedures.
  • Installation in the field shall comply with all special inspection requirements of Chapter 17 and 1 RCNY 101-06.
  • Connections of modular unit on- site must be performed by NYC licensees with appropriate work permits.

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