According to the NYC Mechanical Code definition, solid fuel cooking appliances utilize open flame combustion of solid fuels such as wood, charcoal, briquettes, and mesquite to provide all or part of the heat source for cooking. (MC section 202)
Solid fuel cooking appliances are typically used in commercial applications and are popular in restaurants and food establishments.
Restriction: DOB requirements for solid fuel cooking appliances do not include residential applications.
In accordance with 28-103.10, the Department will require the following:
Listing. In accordance with MC 917, solid-fuel-cooking appliances must comply with UL 2162 standards. Unlisted custom-built appliances may require field evaluation.
Evidence of compliance with DEP Air Code. Solid fuel cooking appliances must comply with the NYC Air Pollution Control Code, including but not limited to Sections 24-141, 24-142.
Required filing for solid fuel cooking appliances includes construction document approval and OTCR Site-specific evaluation.
Construction document approval. Solid fuel cooking appliances must be filed in DOB NOW as Mechanical Systems work type (MS).
OTCR Site-Specific Evaluation. Solid fuel cooking appliances must be approved by the Department. The approval process includes the following.