Temporary use of outdoor or indoor spaces may be permitted provided the space is occupied in a manner that will not endanger public safety, health, or welfare. The erection of temporary structures including but not limited to tents, grandstands, platforms, reviewing stands, outdoor bandstands, stages and similar miscellaneous structures and equipment, and for the temporary use of such structures may also be permitted. Upon review of a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) application, the Department may issue a letter authorizing such temporary use.
A Registered Design Professional (registered architect/professional engineer) is required to complete a Temporary Use Permit application and email the completed form to TempUse@buildings.nyc.gov no later than 15 business days prior to the construction of the temporary structure or the commencement of the temporary use. Include all required documents as listed in the TUP Checklist as a single PDF with the application. Upon submission, DOB staff will perform a preliminary completeness review and provide a TUP number and the required fee. Renewals of existing TUPs must also submit a completed Temporary Use Permit application and provide previous TUP issued.
Temporary structures must be filed as a separate alteration in DOB NOW as a General Construction (GC) filing. The use of a temporary structure or the temporary use of space as a place of assembly (TPA) requires a separate temporary place of assembly certificate of operation (TPACO) that is also filed in DOB NOW.
Prior to issuance of the Temporary Use Letter, applicants will be directed to pay the required fees in-person at any DOB borough office. Fees for any associated temporary structure or temporary place of assembly must be paid separately in DOB NOW. Fees for Temporary Use are as follows:
The receipt for the fees paid must be sent to TempUse@buildings.nyc.gov within 48 hours of receipt of the TUP number to prevent forfeiture of the application. Temporary Use Permit application reviews will not commence until a valid receipt is provided.
Such letters authorizing the temporary use are limited to the time of service or use and may not be permitted for more than 90 days. Extensions may be granted upon demonstrated cause and renewed application.
For TUP applications related to Major Projects Development Program (MPP), applicants are to reach out to the Development HUB Project Advocate assigned to their project. TUPs related to MPP applications will not be accepted through TempUse@buildings.nyc.gov.
TUP requests must be emailed to TempUse@buildings.nyc.gov. Paper submissions to DOB borough offices will no longer be accepted.
TUP renewal requests must be indicated as renewal on updated TUP intake form and include original approved submission. If changes proposed, submit new TUP request.