The United States Conference of Mayors adopted a resolution to promote Age-Inclusive Cities to support and serve a nation of all ages at its annual meeting in June 2023. The resolution calls for cities to promote and adopt age-inclusive approaches to local policy, practices and programs in a commitment to achieving an elevated standard of living for all ages. In addition, the resolution urged for a working group to develop a framework for age-inclusive standards and share best age-inclusive practices that build upon and advance the World Health Organization’s Age-friendly framework. Then in 2024, a National Age-Inclusive Working Group, comprised of 19 member cities with an older adult population of approximately 20 percent or more, including New York City, was formed to achieve the goals outlined in the resolution. The National Age-Inclusive Working Group collaborated and provided input for the Age-Inclusive American Cities Guidebook, which was developed and compiled by the New York City Department for the Aging. The guidebook provides proven strategies, best practices and actionable steps to help cities create inclusive, accessible communities where older adults can thrive.
Please click here for the Age-Inclusive American Cities Guidebook