File a Claim for National Floors Direct Restitution

File a Claim for National Floors Direct Restitution

In a settlement with the NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), National Floors Direct, Inc. (National Floors Direct) has agreed to pay eligible consumers.

You may be eligible for compensation if:

  • You paid National Floors Direct for home improvement services for your New York City home between January 1, 2019 and February 5, 2025.


  • You can demonstrate that National Floors Direct:
    • Failed to perform work in a skillful manner;
    • Damaged your home;
    • Did not perform work or provide materials as agreed, including timing;
    • Charged more than the initial estimated price;
    • Refused to issue a refund; and/or
    • Did not allow cancellation of the contract within three days of signing.


Download the Claim Form in English

Descargue el Formulario de Reclamo en Español

To file a claim, submit the completed form and supporting documents to DCWP by mail or email.

  • Mail to:
    NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
    Attn: NFD Legal Staff Associate
    42 Broadway, 9th Floor
    New York, NY 10004


DCWP will review and process claims in the order it receives them. DCWP will pay compensation until no money remains in the Settlement Fund or the submission deadline, whichever comes first. The deadline to submit a claim is February 5, 2026.

Questions? Call (212) 436-0306 or email