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Man standing inside building on staircase smiling.

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    Meet Ali Rasoulinejad, Senior Advisor to our Executive Deputy Commissioner for Citywide Operations here at DCAS. Ali works to support citywide operations and ensures we effectively deliver resources to city agencies. Learn more about why Ali serves the City of New York.

Commissioner Molina joins Mayor Adams and other City officials as the mayor signs legislation in City Hall.
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    The Adams administration has a clear mission to keep New Yorkers safe. With the expansion of the Nonpublic School Security Reimbursement Program (NPS) for school security guards, DCAS is helping to ensure that all of our city’s school children are protected. Thank you to Mayor Adams and the NYC Council for their support in bringing it to even more schools across the city.

Employees sitting under desks shielding their heads during an emergency.
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    Earthquakes can strike without warning and knowing what to do can save lives. Follow the steps in the attached flyer to protect yourself and others in office spaces during an earthquake and its aftershocks.

DCAS Commissioner and MCNY President Charles Gibbs shaking hands.
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    Today DCAS and Metropolitan College of New York (MCNY) announced the launch of a groundbreaking new pilot program for DCAS staff, offering current DCAS employees the chance to earn their high school equivalency along with 27 college credits over the course of three semesters. The EPIC @ MCNY program marks a first-of-its-kind partnership with MCNY with the potential to expand to more agencies citywide.

Yellow and white electric Materials for the Arts box truck with side guards.
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    We're steering towards a greener future for our @nycgov heavy-duty vehicles thanks to our partners in government @epa. This $17 million grant will bring us closer to an all-electric fleet.

Agency Announcements

NYCityLearn with several pics of N Y C employees and a QR code

The Department of Citywide Administrative Services has launched NYCityLearn, a cutting-edge new Learning Management System (LMS) designed to enhance and streamline training and professional development opportunities for all City of New York employees.

Title 55 of the Rules of the City of New York - New Chapter 16
Adoption of a new rule that requires the Department of Citywide Administrative Services to donate surplus city-owned computers to eligible organizations for beneficial use.

Pre-Qualified List (PQL) for MWBE Security Guard and Related Services

DCAS OCP releases Pre-Qualified List (PQL) for MWBE Security Guard and Related Services for various City agency buildings and facilities.

Programs & Initiatives

Other City Programs and Initiatives

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