NYC DDC | DDC Design and Construction Excellence Program Adding New Tier For Projects Over $50 Million

February 22, 2018

February 28 Pre-Proposal Conference for New “Mega” Tier of Design and Construction Excellence Program

DDC Design and Construction Excellence Program Adding New Tier For Projects Over $50 Million

Ian Michaels

Long Island City, NY – NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Acting Commissioner Ana Barrio announced today that DDC will host a Pre-Proposal Conference for the recently issued Mega RFP for Architecture and Engineering Services, which represents the agency’s expansion of the Design and Construction Excellence program (DCE). Architecture firms interested in responding to the RFP are invited to attend the information session scheduled for February 28th at 1:30 PM, at DDC’s headquarters at 30-30 Thomson Avenue in Long Island City, Queens.

summer interns
Elmhurst Library in Queens was designed by a firm in the DDC’s Design and Construction Excellence program

DCE, which began in 2004, ensures the highest level of quality in design and construction while minimizing the timeline for design procurement. The program currently includes 26 architecture firms in four tiers, arranged by project size, who respond to mini-RFPs for DDC projects up to $50 million in construction value. DDC is now seeking to expand Design and Construction Excellence to even larger, more complex projects by adding a new “Mega” category that will apply to projects over $50 million. Up to ten firms will be selected for the new tier.

“The expansion of Design and Construction Excellence to projects over $50 million represents an extraordinary opportunity for firms across the country to work on large-scale, high-visibility projects in New York City,” said Acting Commissioner Barrio. “We are seeking the most talented and creative design professionals who want their work to be noticed, and who can meet the commitment of the de Blasio administration to make the City more equitable, healthy, sustainable and resilient.”

Architecture firms in DDC’s Design and Construction Excellence program are preselected through the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Firms in the DCE program are invited to submit project-specific proposals as part of a competitive selection process known as a “mini RFP.” Projects encompass a variety of building types, and include new buildings, additions, and major renovations. A selection committee then ranks the proposals, and the highest-ranked firm is awarded the project.

Firms wishing to join the new Mega tier of Design and Construction Excellence should review the Request for Proposals on the DDC website, attend the Pre-Proposal Conference on February 28th and, if qualified, respond to the RFP with all necessary and required information. Joint ventures are encouraged to respond. Architectural licensure in New York State is required.

For more information about DCE, firms can contact the DDC Office of Diversity & Industry Relations at 718-391-2127 or the Office of the Chief Architect at 718-391-2778. For more information about the Pre-Proposal Conference to be held February 28th, email either Hemwattie Roopnarine at or Anna Zardiashvili at

“We strongly encourage M/WBEs – Minority- or Women-owned Business Enterprises – to respond to the RFP to qualify for Design and Construction Excellence,” said Acting Commissioner Barrio. “Working through our Office of Diversity & Industry Relations, DDC in the City’s last fiscal year awarded over $570 million in contracts to MWBEs.”

Thirteen of the 26 firms currently in DCE are New York City certified M/WBEs. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced a 30% M/WBE utilization goal on city procurements by 2021.

The NYC Department of Design and Construction is the City’s primary capital construction project manager, and works with 26 client agencies to design and build new or renovated public buildings such as firehouses, libraries, police precincts, correctional facilities and homeless shelters. DDC also designs and builds infrastructure projects including roadways, public plazas, sewers, and water mains in all of New York City’s neighborhoods.


About the NYC Department of Design and Construction
The Department of Design and Construction is the City’s primary capital construction project manager. In supporting Mayor de Blasio’s long-term vision of growth, sustainability, resiliency, equity and healthy living, DDC provides communities with new or renovated public buildings such as firehouses, libraries, police precincts, and new or upgraded roads, sewers and water mains in all five boroughs. To manage this $13 billion portfolio, DDC partners with other City agencies, architects and consultants, whose experience bring efficient, innovative and environmentally-conscious design and construction strategies to City projects. For more information, please visit