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July 28, 2016

High School and College Summer Intern Breakfast

College and high school interns are sitting at a table. They're discussing their educational and professional goals over breakfast.
College and high school interns discuss their educational and professional goals over breakfast.

DDC's high school and college interns shared breakfast and received first-hand advice on the college experience. College interns Corine Laplanche, Eduardo Despradel and Curtis Appiah led a spirited discussion. Laplanche, a chemical engineer major at Manhattan College, advised students on the importance of perseverance in your first year and to not be afraid to explore all avenues of engineering. Curtis Appiah led an  insightful question and answer session on the importance of finding appropriate peer study groups. Eduardo Despredel and Deborah Owolabi gave personal accounts of their respective college application process and emphasized the importance of being persistent. They also encourage the younger students to get acquainted with college admission counselors as they are often an invaluable resource in the admissions process. The interns then spent time networking and making new connections.