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October 29, 2016

DDC STEAM Attends High School Fair


Since the early 20th century, career-focused high schools have helped generations of young New Yorkers transition into career-track employment. One hundred years later, career and technical education programs offer job training for programs focused on information technology, healthcare, professional services, automotive maintenance and construction. Over 137,000 New York City students take at least one CTE course each year. Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students with rigorous, relevant academic and technical instruction aligned to career pathways identified as high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand labor market needs.

DDC’s STEAM Team participated in the NYC Department of Education CTE High School Fair at the George Westinghouse Campus in Brooklyn. Students and their families spoke to members of DDC STEAM Team about both High School and College internship opportunities. Students also learned about the many professions and job opportunities available DDC.