June 4, 2020
COVID-19 Asbestos Project Health and Safety Recommendations
All owners and contractors should review the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Interim Guidance for Construction Activities During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and affirm understanding and implementation of the requirements to reopen construction projects. At a minimum, the following should be adhered to:
- Implement health screening check of each incoming employees prior to the work shift.
- Implement a temperature check of incoming employees prior to the work shift. Any worker with a temperature reading above 100.4° F must not be allowed to work. The date and time temperature was taken for each work shift should be entered into the asbestos handler supervisor’s project logbook.
- When a worker tests positive for COVID-19, this must be reported immediately to the DEP Abestos Control Program (ACP) at COVID19asbestos@dep.nyc.gov.
- Develop and post on-site all the COVID-19 worker protection plans required by NYSDOH and the NYC Department of Buildings.
- All workers/individuals who are engaged with any activities outside of the work area must at all times comply with the social distancing and face covering guidelines.
- Remind workers that there is no eating, drinking, smoking or congregating at the workplace.
Asbestos Projects
Asbestos projects pose multiple hazards to workers. However, in relation to COVID-19, the decontamination process has been identified as the area where exposure to COVID-19 would occur. Specifically, within the decontamination unit, the shower room and clean room pose the most risk for worker exposure to COVID-19. Therefore, in addition to compliance with the 15 RCNY, it is strongly recommended that abatement contractors employ these additional COVID-19 safety precautions during the work shift:
Decontamination Unit
Sanitize the clean room and shower room at the end of each shift and between all breaks (lunch hour). These activities must be documented in the asbestos handler supervisor’s project logbook. Approved sanitizing/disinfectant agents must be used at all times. View the List of Disinfectants that are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.
- Clean Room: When social distancing requirements cannot be met, allow only one worker in the clean room at any one time. If lockers are utilized they should be sanitized at the end of each shift. Install and maintain hand sanitizer in the clean room at all times.
- Shower Room: When social distancing requirements cannot be met, allow only one worker in the shower room at any one time. Ensure that sufficient quantity of soap and hot water are available at all times.
- Holding Area and Waste Transfer: All workers involved in the transferring of asbestos containing materials waste outside the holding area must continue to wear personal protective equipment and respirators if social distancing cannot be complied with. When an elevator is being used to transport waste, there should be a maximum of two workers per elevator.
- Exterior Projects: No general construction work should be conducted within 50 linear feet of regulated area. General construction workers must wear face coverings and comply with the social distancing policies while working.
Asbestos Project—ARTS Instructions
On June 8, 2020, the Asbestos Control Program will start approving Non-Essential projects, including filings on hold or fall within three categories (Postponed Status or Objection (COVID) Status or In Progress Status). To expedite the APPROVAL process follow these instructions:
- POSTPONED PHASE: Projects which were in progress at the time of the mandate and were placed on postponement by the applicant may be un-postponed by applicant:
- If the project was postponed after the start date, take the project out of postponement to change status to “Submitted”
- If the project was postponed before/on start date, file ACP-8 to set a new start date to change the project status to “Submitted”. If no amendment remained for start date change, contact ykim@dep.nyc.gov to add one more amendment.
- COVID-19 HOLD PHASE: For filings which have been reviewed, all objections satisfied and are ready to be approved in ARTS, the system does not require a 7 day waiver.
- When the applicant is ready to start, they should respond to the COVID-19 hold objections ACP-7, ACP-8, ACP-9, 1-22b and/or ATRU permit.
- If the start date has passed, the system requires new start date to be entered by the DEP reviewer to approve ACP-7.
- The applicant should be prepared to provide DEP with the new start date.
- IN PROGRESS PHASE: For filings which have been reviewed and that the applicant did not move forward, they will need to respond by external comments in order to continue the review process.
- If the start date has passed, the system requires new start date to be entered by the DEP reviewer to approve ACP-7.
- The applicant should be prepared to provide DEP the new start date.
For more information, visit Asbestos Abatement Forms and Filing Instructions.