Adopt-a-Catch Basin

a stork flying with a catch basin grate inside of a blanket

Adopt-a-Catch Basin is a pilot program inviting community volunteers in East Greenpoint, Brooklyn, to take an active role to reduce flooding in their neighborhood.

Are you interested in participating but live outside the pilot area? If so, please send an email to with your full name, address, and telephone number. We will contact you when the program is piloting in your area.

diagram of a catch basin showing the parts underneath the grate, including the connection to the sewer

What is a Catch Basin?

Catch basins, also known as storm drains, drain rainwater off of streets and into the Sewer System. The grate on top of a catch basin allows water to safely flow in. When catch basin grates get blocked by leaves and litter, rainwater can flood streets. There are 150,000 catch basins in NYC! For more information, download Catch Basin FAQs.

How to Adopt-a-Catch Basin

  • Step 1: If you live in East Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and would like to adopt a catch basin in your neighborhood, please fill out the Adopt-a-Catch Basin Volunteer Form. After you fill out the form, we will assign you a catch basin and supply you with a catch basin clearing toolkit and guide*!
  • Step 2: Let us know how it’s going! Once you’ve familiarized yourself with clearing your catch basin using the toolkit and guide, please report your observations through the Adopt-a-Catch Basin Reporting Form. We’d love to hear how your catch basin is performing, especially after rainstorms. Your feedback is invaluable!

*Catch basin toolkits are available while supplies last. The toolkits include: a reflective safety vest, garbage bags, recycling bags, canvas gloves, a trash grabber, a rake, and a Catch Basin Clearing Guide.

Cleaning vs. Clearing

a dep crew member stands next to a truck to control the mechanism that's lifting the grates off of the catch basin in the street.
Cleaning out the inside of a catch basin is DEP’s job! We inspect and clean the city’s 150,000 catch basins using specialized equipment. Catch basins are cleaned every six months to three years, based on data collected from inspections and 311 calls.
a catch basin with leaves that are covering the top of the grates
Clearing a catch basin is something all New Yorkers can do. Using gloves and a rake or garbage picker, you can clear leaves and litter from a catch basin’s grate, creating a path for rainwater to drain. This helps reduce local flooding during rainstorms!

Clearing Instructions

Safety First! Always wear bright clothing during clearing and inspections. Perform all clearings from the sidewalk—stay out of the roadway for your safety!

To keep your catch basin functioning at its best:

  • Check it regularly but always before and after rainstorms to determine if it needs clearing.
  • Utilize the tools in your toolkit to clear debris from the top of the grate and dispose of litter with your household trash or recycling.
  • Remember to submit your Adopt-a-Catch Basin Reporting Form after each clearing and inspection.
  • If your catch basin is not draining after clearing, call 311 or fill in this online form.
  • (Optional) post before and after pictures of your catch basin on social media. Use the hashtag #AdoptNYCDEP and tag or mention @nycwater.

Download the Catch Basin Clearing Guide for additional tips. For questions, please email Thank you for your interest and participation!