NEW YORK (March 30, 2021) --"It is up to all of us to stop hate and take actions to protect our elders, particularly our Asian older adults who have been victimized far too often as of late. Many of us, including myself, were outraged when we saw how the building staff stood by and closed the door as an older woman was being attacked. He did not even help her get up, nor call for help! Doing something does not mean putting yourself in harm’s way. It means calling 911, reporting the incident, and providing help when someone needs it," said New York City Department for the Aging Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez. "We are tough New Yorkers, who have always help each other in time of need. We must do better.".
For older adults who are victims of crimes, the NYC Department for the Aging's Crime Victim Resource Center provides information and assistance. Contact us by dialing 212-AGING-NYC (212-244-6469)."
Discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, national origin, age, and disability is illegal under the New York City Human Rights Law. Help us raise awareness by using the #StopAsianHate toolkit of public education resources from the NYC Commission on Human Rights, the Mayor’s Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, and the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs.
The New York City Department for the Aging works to eliminate ageism and ensure the dignity and quality of life of New York City's diverse 1.6 million older adults. DFTA also works to support caregivers through service, advocacy, and education. DFTA is the largest area agency on aging in the U.S.