
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 14, 2024



Open House Registration Available Until Nov. 15

The New York City Department of Correction, in conjunction with Learning for Life, is relaunching the agency’s Law Enforcement Explorers Program for young people. Explorers is a leadership development program for high school and college students, ages 14 to 20-years-old. The program provides teens and young adults with opportunities to learn about law enforcement through hands-on training, practical experience, competition, and community service.

The NYC Department of Correction Law Enforcement Explorer Post #1895 is the only corrections-oriented explorers program in the country, giving participants a unique opportunity to learn about the job of a New York City Correction Officer.

Interested youth and their parents can learn more about this opportunity by attending an open house event in Queens on Tuesday, November 19th. Advance registration is required and space is limited.

“We are excited to re-launch our Correction Youth Law Enforcement Explorers program, which will give young people an opportunity to learn more about the strength, dignity and resolve that it takes to be one of New York City's Boldest,” said NYC Department of Correction Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie. “I encourage those who are interested to attend our open house to learn more about our program.” 

Applicants selected to join the new Department of Correction Explorer Post will get the opportunity to dream big, serve proudly and to make a difference.

Those interested in attending the open house are encouraged to register online link by Friday, Nov. 15.  For more information, contact . Follow Post #1895’s growth using the hashtag #DOCYouthExplorers.


The New York City Department of Correction (DOC) is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment while providing individuals in our care with a path to successfully re-enter their communities.