
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 14, 2024



Department of Correction Honors Members of Service on Medal Day

MOS are awarded for going above and beyond the call of duty


The Department of Correction will recognize numerous Members of Service and civilian staff who have provided exceptional public service with its Medal Day Ceremony on November 15, 2024.

In front of family, friends, and colleagues, the uniform and non-uniform awardees will be revered for their courage and heroism both on and off duty. During the ceremony, senior leadership will express their appreciation for these heroes whose character and bravery have brought honor to the agency.

Award categories included: Meritorious Duty, Exceptional Merit, Medal of Honor, Certificate of Appreciation, Educational Achievement, Excellent Duty Ribbon, Unit Citation, Perfect Attendance, Operations Ribbon, and Meritorious Duty.

“DOC staff hold one of the most challenging, and most rewarding, jobs in law enforcement. Their selfless dedication to this city deserves to be recognized and celebrated,” said DOC Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie. “All DOC staff are heroes, but at this year's Medal Day, we will be honoring some of the most exceptional members of the Boldest family. Our honorees saved lives, assisted in emergencies, and upheld their roles with extraordinary bravery and integrity. We thank them for their service and for their commitment to our DOC community.”


WHO: Department of Correction Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie, NYC Deputy Mayor of Public Safety Chauncey Parker, Assistant Deputy Warden/Deputy Warden Association, Corrections Captains’ Association, Inc, and Correction Officers' Benevolent Association, and honorees


WHAT: Medal Day Ceremony


WHERE: New York City Police Academy, 130-30 28th Avenue in Queens, NY 11354


WHEN: 11 A.M. on Friday, November 15th


**photo op**


About the NYC Department of Correction

The New York City Department of Correction (DOC) is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment while providing individuals in our care with a path to successfully re-enter their communities.