COVID-19: Data


The data on this page show how variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 are spreading in NYC. Variants are versions of the virus with certain sets of mutations. Some variants may result in a COVID-19 infection that is easier to spread, more severe or able to avoid antibodies from vaccines or previous infections.

Spread of Variants in NYC

These charts show the percent and number of tested cases in a four-week period over the past six months that have the most common variants in New York City.

Variant Testing

These charts show the percent of NYC's confirmed COVID-19 cases that have been tested for virus variants and reported to the Health Department over the past six months, and the total number tested in each four-week period.

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About Health Inequities in Data: Differences in health outcomes and vaccination coverage among racial and ethnic groups are due to long-term structural racism, not biological or personal traits.