When there aren't a lot of cases, we get more reliable data by bundling ZIP Codes together. This UHF 42 neighborhood is made of a group of ZIP Codes. Read more about UHF neighborhoods.
Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths
The data below show daily numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths over the past three months. Due to delays in
which can take as long as a week, recent data are incomplete.
These data show the weekly rates by age and race/ethnicity. Rates can present a more accurate picture than absolute numbers when groups have different population sizes.
These data show hospitalization and death rates over the last 28 days of available data. To accommodate standard reporting delays, hospitalization and death data are published at a 14-day lag.
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Data Update Schedule
Our COVID-19 data are updated on these pages as follows:
Daily and weekly data are updated every Thursday.
Monthly data are updated on the Monday following the 14th of each month.
About Health Inequities in Data: Differences in health outcomes and vaccination coverage among racial and ethnic groups are due to long-term structural racism, not biological or personal traits.