FDNY Honors Fire Alarm and EMS Dispatchers

September 20, 2016

FDNY Commissioner Daniel A. Nigro presided over a ceremony honoring more than 60 FDNY dispatchers on Tuesday, September 20 at FDNY Headquarters in Brooklyn.

The Department recognized dispatchers from all five boroughs. Additionally, four Dispatchers were individually recognized, Lieutenant Edgar Baez for EMS Supervisor of the year, EMT Mario Jordan for EMS Dispatcher of the year, Tyron Connell for Fire Alarm Supervisor of the year, Darrin Lewis for Fire Alarm Dispatcher of the year; and Dispatchers from Queens received the Chief Russell Ramsey Award for outstanding work in the past year.

“After 25 years, I still love this job. I love going in to work every day and trying to help people, and my coworkers, as best I can," said EMT Jordan.

“This is my 15th year on the job and my third year working in Mobile Command. I love being out in the field, but I also enjoy working in the office and taking calls from the public. Regardless of where I’m working, I’m always happy that I’m here. I work with some great people, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. I learn something every day on this job. If you’re calling for help, we’re going to get help to you," said Fire Alarm Dispatcher Lewis.

Commissioner Nigro highlighted the quick and effective service of the dispatchers.

 “The men and women who serve as dispatchers are the first line of defense for our Department. You are the first FDNY members that New Yorkers speak to in their time of need,” said Commissioner Nigro. “You make sure our Firefighters,
Paramedics, and EMTs in the field have the most up to date information possible, keeping them safe, and ensuring they have the resources they need to accomplish their mission.”

FDNY dispatchers are a critical link in the chain of survival for all. Last year, dispatchers successfully enabled FDNY members to respond to more than 1.7 million incidents throughout the city.

Chief of Department James E. Leonard commended the collected nature of the Department’s dispatchers.

“Thousands upon thousands of emergencies have been handled and mitigated by the experienced men and women we’re celebrating today. FDNY dispatchers are truly second to none. Your training is outstanding, and the sheer volume of calls you handle is impressive,” said Chief Leonard. “Day after day you are constantly honing your skills. The phones never stop in a city of more than 8 million people. It’s not an easy job by any stretch.”

FDNY dispatchers were also joined by families and friends to mark the joyous occasion.