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CityFHEPS Glossary of Terms

Term Description
DHS NYC Department of Homeless Services. DHS provides shelter and services to homeless families and individuals in NYC.
HRA NYC Human Resources Administration. HRA is the nation's largest social services agency and assists over three million low‐income and vulnerable New Yorkers annually through the administration of more than 12 major public benefits programs.
CityFHEPS City Fighting Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement. CityFHEPS is a rental assistance supplement to help individuals and families find and keep housing.
CityFHEPS Shopping Letter You will know that you might be eligible for CityFHEPS when you receive the "Shopping Letter." These letters are issued by DSS and will be provided to you by your housing specialist or case manager. Once you have these letters, you can start to look for housing.
Access HRA ACCESS HRA is the online benefits portal for New York City residents to apply for social services benefits. ACCESS HRA is a website and free mobile app that allows you to get information and apply for government programs such as: Cash Assistance, SNAP (Food Stamps), Fair Fares NYC, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Medicaid, CityFHEPS and Child Support.
One-Shot Deal A request for emergency assistance to meet an urgent need of low-income New Yorkers. This assistance can be used to cover a number of situations. One of the most common uses of the one-shot deal is for rental assistance to prevent or forestall an eviction.
Public Assistance Refers generally to assistance programs that provide either cash or in-kind benefits to individuals and families. For example, Temporary Assistance (TA) provides temporary help for needy adults and children.
One-time single issuance case An emergency assistance case that is opened just for the purpose of issuing benefits, including move-related grants.
HPD Set- Aside Unit HPD (Housing Preservation and Development) sets aside a certain number of units in affordable housing projects for formerly homeless applicants.
HPD lottery unit Through Housing Connect, you can find and apply for an "HPD lottery unit," or an affordable rental. To qualify, households must meet the household income and size requirements for a unit in the affordable development.
Market Apartment Market-rate apartment refers to non-subsidized properties that are rented by those who pay market-rate rents.
DSS The Department of Social Services (DSS) is comprised of the administrative units of the NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) and the Department of Homeless Services (DHS).