NYC-based & Looking to Sell Internationally?
Are you a business headquartered in NYC, looking to start selling internationally? We can help.
Over 70% of purchasing power is located outside of the United States. If you are a New York City-headquartered company or startup, and you are considering exporting or expanding to reach international customers, there are resources to help.
**Small and medium-sized businesses that produce goods or provide services in New York City and would like to export internationally** can offer a number of services to U.S.-based companies, including: market research, information on export regulations; tailored counseling, strategy, planning, market research, partner introductions; trade leads, pre-screened by U.S. embassies, consulates, and U.S. Commercial Service offices around the world; and financing opportunities for companies seeking to export, as well as insurance and risk mitigation.
Visit to learn more.
The Global NY Fund
- Loan Opportunities
- Loans of up to $500,000 are available for companies to purchase equipment and inventory needed to deliver on export-related contracts and provide working capital to support foreign accounts receivable.
- Also, ESD is offering interest-free loans of up to $50,000 for Distilled and Fermented Beverage industry businesses to promote New York State’s thriving beverage industry on a global scale. You can apply on the ESD website.
- Grant Opportunities
- ESD is also providing grants of up to $25,000 to help companies start exporting or increase their global exports. For example, grants may be used for market customization, participation in trade shows/missions, export workshops, and product adaptation to meet foreign regulatory requirements. Read the grant guidelines and apply on the ESD website.
Export Marketing Assistance Service (EMAS)
A New York State program designed to help businesses find sales agents or distributors abroad. A company’s participation begins with an
Export Marketing Assistance Service application.
New York State (NYS) Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) Grant Program
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Empire State Development (ESD) are offering funds through the New York State (NYS) Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) Grant Program to qualifying small businesses. Can assist New York State small businesses in participating in foreign trade missions; subscription services provided by the U.S. Department of Commerce; and translation and international marketing services.
View the STEP application
Startups Expanding Internationally
**Early-stage NYC-headquartered companies building new, disruptive business models, focused on rapid scaling, less constrained by geography, seeking to reach customers internationally.**
- Startups may be eligible for the programs above. In addition, startups should explore the assistance of the two offices below.
- The NYC Mayor’s Office for International Affairs can provide: Strategic insight on international opportunities and challenges; Guidance on resources available to help U.S.-based companies begin selling internationally; and introductions to representatives of foreign governments who may be able to provide additional information and/or facilitate your entry into their markets. Contact us to set up a time to talk.
- Startup Global is a new initiative offered by the U.S. Commercial Service to help startups expand globally, recognizing the unique opportunities and challenges of startups. Contact Patrick.Kirwan at Trade dot Gov.